PvP Black Pits

An idea how it could work:
Generally: normal Black Pits mechanics apply
There are two teams (called here Red and Blue). If there are multiple players on each side, a team leader must be selected (but 1v1 is perfectly viable)
During game creation, the players create their characters.
At game start teams are given gold and common starting equipment.
During the preparation period, Blue is in Baeloth's shoes basically; they are the dungeon master and the Blue team leader buys monsters for cash. Both teams can also buy items and do things such as level up. The same, joint pool of gold is used by the whole party, for both monsters and equipment. There is a limited number of slots for monsters, which depends on the number of players, and some monsters use more slots than others.
In the first round, Red plays against the Blue's monsters. A team leader may assign monsters to his teammates in order to play them, so they can actively participate. A team loses the round if they get wiped out. Red has limited time to kill the critters. If they don't make it, they lose the round. For each killed player, Blue gets tons of money and XP. Making sure at least one enemy player dies is a major goal. Surviving monsters carry over, and don't have to be bought the next time.
In the second round, the teams switch, so Red is the "dungeon master"...
This repeats until one of the teams has passed a threshold of XP (3 million for example). At that point, in the final round, the teams must face each other directly. Victory in this round may be weighted to be worth 2 or 3 points.
The team with the most points wins.
A major strategical challenge for both team leaders is managing gold - do you splurge a huge amount of gold on monsters, possibly hampering your growth in the future (monsters don't scale, they are completely dependent on how much you spend, but better types become available progressively) or do become better equipped? Not getting adequate equipment on time puts you at a permanent disadvantage, but having your monsters consistently mowed over means you're giving the other side a free pass. Instead of getting a random reward each round, both teams have a one-time offer to buy an item, and usually these are the best items. If one team passes the offer, the other team gets it.
Unique, elite creatures can be bought. They're stronger and they cost a bit more but if they're killed they drop useful items that fall into the other side's hands. If the unique creature survives it gets a level up. Their appearance is also random. Frequency depends on the team leader's charisma.
Traps of varying degrees of danger can be bought. Placement is more or less random.
As a final thingie, a team leader can buy castings of buffs for their monsters during the fight (works on a timer, basically 2-3 per fight), and divination spells (true sight for example)
Generally: normal Black Pits mechanics apply
There are two teams (called here Red and Blue). If there are multiple players on each side, a team leader must be selected (but 1v1 is perfectly viable)
During game creation, the players create their characters.
At game start teams are given gold and common starting equipment.
During the preparation period, Blue is in Baeloth's shoes basically; they are the dungeon master and the Blue team leader buys monsters for cash. Both teams can also buy items and do things such as level up. The same, joint pool of gold is used by the whole party, for both monsters and equipment. There is a limited number of slots for monsters, which depends on the number of players, and some monsters use more slots than others.
In the first round, Red plays against the Blue's monsters. A team leader may assign monsters to his teammates in order to play them, so they can actively participate. A team loses the round if they get wiped out. Red has limited time to kill the critters. If they don't make it, they lose the round. For each killed player, Blue gets tons of money and XP. Making sure at least one enemy player dies is a major goal. Surviving monsters carry over, and don't have to be bought the next time.
In the second round, the teams switch, so Red is the "dungeon master"...
This repeats until one of the teams has passed a threshold of XP (3 million for example). At that point, in the final round, the teams must face each other directly. Victory in this round may be weighted to be worth 2 or 3 points.
The team with the most points wins.
A major strategical challenge for both team leaders is managing gold - do you splurge a huge amount of gold on monsters, possibly hampering your growth in the future (monsters don't scale, they are completely dependent on how much you spend, but better types become available progressively) or do become better equipped? Not getting adequate equipment on time puts you at a permanent disadvantage, but having your monsters consistently mowed over means you're giving the other side a free pass. Instead of getting a random reward each round, both teams have a one-time offer to buy an item, and usually these are the best items. If one team passes the offer, the other team gets it.
Unique, elite creatures can be bought. They're stronger and they cost a bit more but if they're killed they drop useful items that fall into the other side's hands. If the unique creature survives it gets a level up. Their appearance is also random. Frequency depends on the team leader's charisma.
Traps of varying degrees of danger can be bought. Placement is more or less random.
As a final thingie, a team leader can buy castings of buffs for their monsters during the fight (works on a timer, basically 2-3 per fight), and divination spells (true sight for example)