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Minor Bug with the Golden Pantaloons and Importing SoD saves to SoA

ObjulenObjulen Member Posts: 93
I imported a save from SoD with the Golden Pantaloons in the Bag of Holding to SoA, and SoA didn't register that my character had them. I took them out of the Bag of Holding and everything worked correctly. A minor issue, but one that should be added to the list if it hasn't already.


  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Unfortunately, I'm not sure they will be able to correct this one. Bags of Holding (as well as every other container) can't get imported between games because the engine treats them like stores, which of course have to be reset whenever a new game starts. So whatever is in those bags when your character gets imported is lost forever.

    It's also worth noting that any items that get imported between games must be in the protagonist's inventory. They will not transition if an NPC had it.
  • ObjulenObjulen Member Posts: 93
    Good to know. Thanks for the info!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,497
    That's a known bug of the game engine. Items in bags are removed from the character's inventory, but are not put into their designated target containers.

    Taking the items out of the bag beforehand is probably the only workaround currently.
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