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How do I get the v2.3 update for my Mac?

chazhchazh Member Posts: 4
I don't seem to have a redeem code for my BG games I have, still on v1.3. I just came to this web site and noted that v2.3 is out and would like to download and install. How do I obtain the patch? I do have my original invoices, just no redeem codes. Please assist, and thank you!



  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    Unfortunately v2.3 is not available for the Mac yet.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Yes it is, v2.3 for Mac has been out ever since it also came out for PC and Linux. It's not yet available through Apple's Store, but it's available through Beamdog's own download site and at Steam.

    @chazh - I'm not a Mac guy, but if your installation includes the Beamdog Launcher executable, then launch that instead of the game executable. I think it should enable you to create a login for Beamdog's download site and then automatically offer you the update ... unless it works differently for Mac.

    (Or if that's not right, then one of the Mac experts will notice this thread and tell you what to do.)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited January 2017
    @chazh owns the game from the mac store. Unfortunately, the patch is not available from the mac store at this point.

    As far as any issues regarding access to support (in this case), I would recommend emailing about that.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @elminster - ?? Yes, I know the v2.3 patch hasn't been approved by Apple yet, but you're saying that Mac users with an installed instance aren't being allowed to collect the patch from the Beamdog site, merely because they made the mistake of buying through Apple instead of buying direct? Why not?

    I do see the point in the case of Steam, since there's the extra Steam interface and so on. But surely in the case of Apple's Store, it's identical to the version purchased directly, isn't it? What would be the problem?
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