EEKeeper Class Tweaking

Looking for ideas for some interesting class hybrids for future playthroughs. I've played almost every class/kit included in the game and have started tweaking my charnames with EEKeeper. I recently finished a playthough with a Cleric/Ranger that had Paladin kit abilities. Thinking of running a Blade with Swashbuckler and Dragon Disciple effects. Not immediately putting full abilities in, but adding them at half the Blades level.
This is for all the players who like to tweak their characters beyond what the game allows. What are some of your favorite Frankesteinien class creations?
This is for all the players who like to tweak their characters beyond what the game allows. What are some of your favorite Frankesteinien class creations?
@Lord_Tansheron Blender of Doooooom
Yeah, sure, all kits work. Note that Barbarian is treated as a Fighter kit, meaning you can do some Cleric/Barbarian hybrid and stack lots of damage immunities. Works with Dwarven Defender, too, of course. Make Jan Jansen into a Barbarian and you'll get the damage reduction from his special armor as well, giving you a virtually indestructible (physical) tank.
But let's not dwell in just classes, with EEkeeper we can exchange exclusive abilities to make some real Frankesteinien :-)
The other thing I use EEkeeper for is to fix the swashbuckler bug of weapon proficiency not adding 1.5 apr as intended.
Anyway, I like giving myself the following innate abilities;
Mirror image, magic missile, invisibility, spiritual hammer and then some inquisitor kit levels, to get detect evil, dispel magic and true sight. Nothing to powerful (how is it fun if there is no challenge?) just a little something to make your main more special. Also, I always gimme myself total stats of 98. 97, 98 or 99 is rollable after like 20-40 min of rolling, but urghh I have done it the legal way so many times I get a pass these days. I rolled a 103 once, but never again, so that much would feel like cheating. You probably need a week or rolling unless you lucked out like I did that one time.
Swashbuckler with high APR turns quite ridiculous at high levels, due to the rapidly stacking damage bonuses. You can still do a Swashbuckler->Fighter dual class, though, pick up the APR and get some nice damage to add to those QoL thief skills. One of my favorite (legit) combos.
There are credible arguments on both sides, basically either that Swashbucklers should get the extra 1/2 APR because that's part of what having a second proficiency point in a weapon ought to mean, or that Swashbucklers shouldn't be eligible for the extra 1/2 APR because only warrior classes are meant to get extra attacks.
In the course of the earlier arguments, the devs joined in to state their position, which is the second of the above interpretations. (They then even changed the wording of the in-game proficiency descriptions, which were previously ambiguous, to make clear that this was their decision).
So you can agree or disagree with the decision of the devs, but it's not a "bug", because the current behaviour is what the devs intend it to be.
To be fair the original game isn't any better how on earth did they manage to create awful classes like shifter and wizard slayers that ironically suck at killing wizards. And where is the proof of this claim in the original game?
Warrior class according to all text were meant to be given free APR on level 7 and 13 respectively. No where in any official text could I find anything along the lines of "other classes gain inferior proficiency". This entire argument is N/A at high levels with whirlwind maxing APR. It is just a mere inconvenience at lower levels.
Even if everything you say is true it is intended that only warrior gain the free APR I personally am not a fan of even MORE reason to munchkin min-max dual class, so pure class swashes get a free minor 1/2 anytime I play. Getting rid of dual/multi classes like Amonen and replacing them with a pure class kit actually made the game both harder and more interesting.
The rules that have never changed,
Not sure what more proof you want. What's the "proof" that it should work differently? Nothing logically stronger than the above, I'd wager.
Now, if you don't want this to work the way it does, you are 100% free to change it. In fact, I encourage people to play the way THEY want to play. The rules are not gospel, and it's not like anything you do in your game will have any effect on anyone else. Play it your way. I know I do when it comes to many, many rules details (just not, as it happens, this one in particular).
So for Swashbuckler, I'm with or against its bonus apr depending on a more detailed description(if any) about how it can be obtained, and the rules of course.
Regardless there is no point arguing it unless the original designers come out with an official statement. All I do know is that it seems intentional that dual/multi class become gods over most weaker pure classes... and that the designers might have been high when balancing druids and Wizard slayers. So all in all, thank goodness for EEkeeper and fan made patches.
Edit: And druids also get summon nymph which is like a really good healing spell that also have other spell and can soak some damage as well.
There, said it.
Come at me, treebros!
Come on man, share your own Frankesteinien, be creative!
Though I found the best way to make shifting viable was (bug abuse) dispelling the claws thus your attack is basically werewolf swinging a weapon rather than a crappy claw. With ToB high-end weapons this was the only way a canon shifter is viable. It essentially turns BG shifter into a NWN-like shifter retaining weapon bonuses.