One last LP of BWP before BG:EE

Hello all,
First let me call attention to Syvishtar’s excellent let’s play of the BWP using 9.10 and a full tactics install. He has done an great job with both putting up with the errors & bugs that come with such an install and adding his own elements of storytelling. His let’s play can be found
and Here:
That let’s play is the inspiration for my own which will be set up slightly differently.
My build *attempts* to maximize difficulty and minimize cheese, cheats, and imbalance. As well as remove a lot of unpleasant mods. It does this from a top-down approach rather than a bottom-up. That is to say rather than cherry picking the most well known good mods, I have started with a full tactics selection and pruned off mods I do not want.
Also the writing for the let’s play will focus more on the technical and less on the story. I hope this let’s play will be of practical use for people who are looking for a similar kind of experience and I look forward to any kind of feedback on the build and help identifying mods throughout the let’s play.
I will be using BWP 11.2.1 (the latest as of this writing) and the BWS import file can be found here:
It’s best to view the file by importing it to BWS which can be found here: (grab the latest one)
The major changes are that I have removed all the really big BG1 and BG2 mods:
DH, DSotSC, Drizzt, NTotSC, SoBH, CtB, NeJ, RoT, SoS, TDD, TS
And many NPCs, Kits, and Item mods. This build is by no means finished. I stopped looking through every mod because I was getting bored and wanted to actually wanted to start playing the game. I’ll update the build as I play (though I won't be re-installing).
Aside from that I will be doing this very similar to Syvishtar:
It will be semi-hardcore mode, whatever happens happens, I will only reload when I die or if I need to to get around a bug/glitch.
Party membership will be a democracy, periodically I will hold a vote for party members, party members who die will be rezed (if possible) but will sit out for a while to rotate in a new member.
Also I reserve the right to do some things my way, I need to have some fun with this.
I’m going to leave this build to install while I’m at work and give a few hours for people to comment or make suggestions. If there is no huge demand for me to install/remove mods I’ll start late tonight, otherwise I’ll re-install overnight and start tomorrow morning.
In the meantime any request for main character class? and alignment? Otherwise I’ll default to Paladin.
First let me call attention to Syvishtar’s excellent let’s play of the BWP using 9.10 and a full tactics install. He has done an great job with both putting up with the errors & bugs that come with such an install and adding his own elements of storytelling. His let’s play can be found
and Here:
That let’s play is the inspiration for my own which will be set up slightly differently.
My build *attempts* to maximize difficulty and minimize cheese, cheats, and imbalance. As well as remove a lot of unpleasant mods. It does this from a top-down approach rather than a bottom-up. That is to say rather than cherry picking the most well known good mods, I have started with a full tactics selection and pruned off mods I do not want.
Also the writing for the let’s play will focus more on the technical and less on the story. I hope this let’s play will be of practical use for people who are looking for a similar kind of experience and I look forward to any kind of feedback on the build and help identifying mods throughout the let’s play.
I will be using BWP 11.2.1 (the latest as of this writing) and the BWS import file can be found here:
It’s best to view the file by importing it to BWS which can be found here: (grab the latest one)
The major changes are that I have removed all the really big BG1 and BG2 mods:
DH, DSotSC, Drizzt, NTotSC, SoBH, CtB, NeJ, RoT, SoS, TDD, TS
And many NPCs, Kits, and Item mods. This build is by no means finished. I stopped looking through every mod because I was getting bored and wanted to actually wanted to start playing the game. I’ll update the build as I play (though I won't be re-installing).
Aside from that I will be doing this very similar to Syvishtar:
It will be semi-hardcore mode, whatever happens happens, I will only reload when I die or if I need to to get around a bug/glitch.
Party membership will be a democracy, periodically I will hold a vote for party members, party members who die will be rezed (if possible) but will sit out for a while to rotate in a new member.
Also I reserve the right to do some things my way, I need to have some fun with this.
I’m going to leave this build to install while I’m at work and give a few hours for people to comment or make suggestions. If there is no huge demand for me to install/remove mods I’ll start late tonight, otherwise I’ll re-install overnight and start tomorrow morning.
In the meantime any request for main character class? and alignment? Otherwise I’ll default to Paladin.
Bear with me here this is my first attempt at a let's play ever, and I'm going through the learning curve.
The first part is just quick screen shots of various events of note that transpire, at the end I include a narrative combat, if you're looking for something interesting to read skip to the end.
Anyways rolled a monk as that was the (only) suggestion, there was a recent thread about monks in bg1 AND it's actually a class I haven't played-through yet to boot!
So heres my monk Naranath:
Put a point into single weapon style for the AC bonus and daggers so I have the option of a ranged weapon. Also he's lawful good.
This is Haiass, he's introduced by a mod and is my faithful wolf pet. He'll be terrifically useful early in the game because he has 1.5-2x the hitpoints I do and does decent damage.
The first new quest introduced by a mod and actually a pretty good (and short) one, this is Linda, she saved her fiance from monsters and now he is unsure what to think about the sudden realization that there is more to the noble girl than he first thought.
The prices of many items that Winthrop sells are significantly raised (by Aurora's Shoes and Boots mod I think) to reflect the impact of the Iron crisis. Fortunately I do not need such impediments as armor and so I can blow all my money on that bag of holding he now sells.
Also I should have put my proficiency into Katanas instead of dagers. One of the mods seeded one on the table next to the first assassin. Much better weapon than just a dagger. At least till I gain some levels. Then my fists scale up nicely.
There's a few paths you can take to talk to Sir Trun about taking back (or not) Linda. Convincing him to look at the situation in a different light rewards you with a bonus to reputation.
And Linda is incredible grateful.
My first encounter with Finch a new mod NPC. We shall meet again later.
My first critical! Against the assassin Carbos. Did a whopping 20 damage with my Katana.
Leaving Candlekeep
Gorian valiantly trying to defend me
At the end of the night Imoen catches up with me and take stock of what we have together and make plans to set forth.
This is the stone of recall. It will transport my party to a safe demiplane. It has its own set of quests attached to it. The ability is also quite useful in dungeons later on when we need uninterrupted rest.
Imoen (god knows why) has some vials of umberhulk blood. It's sole ability to make the imbiber invisible to umberhulks. I can forsee this coming in handy a LONG way down the road. At least I really hope its a long way.
The first of the NPC banters added again by mods.
I actually like these so far, the NPCs talk a lot more with the other NPCs both joinable and passing characters, and they comment more on the present situation; such as when we come across Gorian's body.
We give him a quick burial.
On the way we bump into Xzar & Monteron. The evil stoogian dynamic duo.
Hmmm I thought there we're mod's that gave them kits...
Throughout BG1 there was at least one nook or cranny in every area that held some treasure, here it's a diamond, in the next area it was a ring of protection +1 (now removed by the item randomiser mod), and at the Friendly Arm in a Ring of Wizardry (also removed).
And here is Eldoth, the scheming slimy (and by the look of the portrait; incredibly high) bard.
I neglected to take a pic but he actually starts as a level 3 bard.
This is my first real combat encounter (more than just a lone bandit or wolf). This is where you can first see Sword Coast Strategems to take effect, as instead of just a few hobgoblin warriors like in vanilla, they have a shaman amongst them that casts spells rather intelligently. Being the first time I've played in over a year this actually leads to a TPK and I have to reload.
My second attempt results in a different monster spawn of several bandits. Xzar & Monteron manage to get themselves one shot (a common occurance at lvl 1) but I manage to kill them all off. Fortunately the "Game over on party death" mod prevents my character from dieing (he falls unconscious instead) or these fights would be a lot trickier.
My monk only has an AC of 5 *while* using the Katana that he is not proficient in raising his THAC0 to 22.
"Hold still a moment, won't you?" the man says, raising his hands unthreateningly. His face becomes focused, but with the smirk of someone who know's he just played the winning move in a game.
Imoen and I share nervous glance, not quite sure what was about to happen. The man ends our uncertainty in a moment when light erupts from his hands and an altered voice reverberates from his lips.
Imoen was always a quick thinker and even quicker on her feet. The same moment she bolts up the stairs of the inn pulling a small white vial from her pouch. The second she uncorks it, the oil inside rushes out onto her hands, up her arms, and down her legs, the oil wanted to flow. It's magic taking effect instantly; doubling the speed of her sprint.
I draw my katana, pause just a moment to collect my focus around the instrument, and proceed up the stairs after Imoen. By my first few steps Imoen had already made it to the top, ducked around the mage with inhuman speed and positioned herself to flank him with her dagger drawn. The same instant the mage's spell finishes and there is suddenly multitude of the man; four maybe five identical figures materialize on the steps next to him. Imoen freezes, uncertain what to do, which of the figures she should attack.
The mage takes advantage of her hesitation, reaches into a pocket on his robe and pulls out a fist-full of something. Shouting a quick invocation he whips the contents of his fist at Imoen's face. It bursts into dozens of bright sparks and flashes. Imoen drops her dagger, grabing her face with her hands.
"I-I can't see!" she screams.
In one fluid motion I climb the last stair between the mage and myself, and make a perfect cut diagonally across his chest. The katana cleanly going through the body. Instead of felling the mage however, he simply gives that wining smirk as the image I had struck dissolved. An arrow whizzes past my ear, generously misses any of the images of the mage and embeds itself into the wall of the inn. Eldoth had loosed the arrow. For as loud as that man had been on the journey here I had actually forgotten about him in the first few moments of combat. The man was all bark and no bight.
The mage lets off another spell, flashes of color envelope Imoen as she crumples to the ground, eyes rolled back into their sockets and twitching. I focus on remembering my training. I reach back to a lesson from Gorian months ago, remembering how he had made this same illusion, and how to overcome it. I dive into the group of images, sweeping one with my leg as if to trip him, I carry my momentum into a jab with my katana into another one behind me. I finish with perfect balance on the same stair as the last image, and jab forward with my fist.
I make physical contact. The rest of the images have dissolved and now finally the real man is all that remains. He stumbles back a step from the unexpected hit. He doesn't have that winning smirk on his face this time. This time its anger. I ready my Katana for a final blow. The mage lets out an alien scream. Suddenly my palms become sweaty, I am acutely aware of Imoen still twitching on the ground, of Eldoth notching another arrow, his terrible aim making it hopeless for him to actually hit the mage.
I feel as if I was punched in the gut, my knees buckle, I lower my katana. The only way I can seem to stay standing is to let my shaking legs carry me down the stairs. The mage lets out a roaring laugh. I stumble down the last few steps barely aware of Eldoth passing me up the stairs. I fall onto the ground, katana dropped next to me. I roll onto my back and prop myself up as much as I can muster. The mage stands towering over me on the steps, the vessel of my doom.
In what seems to be a rare moment of competent ability Eldoth reaches out and touches the mage, his hand charged with magic. The mage shrieks and recoils from the touch, he lets loose a burst of magical energy into Eldoth. Eldoth visibly winces from the impact but recharges the energy in his hand climbs the next step and touches the mage again. Again the mage lets out a shriek and repeats his previous feat. Eldoth stumbles back and grips the side of the wall to stop from falling over. He looks at me, desperate. He's bleeding from his nose and eyes.
My mind begins to clear from whatever horror had clouded it. I do a quick mental exercise, I get my breathing under control, and grab my katana. I jump to my feet. The mage prepares another incantation, but it is his last. His powerful voice quickly becomes a gurgle as an arrow erupts from his throat. Clenching at it with both hands the mage collapses to the ground. Imoen, the originator of the arrow staggers to her feet.
So yeah I thought this would be a good stopping point. What do you guys think? Do you like more of the quick run through like the beginning of the post or the narrative combat at the end? I'm still trying to find my style and how I want to develop this character, but I have a lot of game left to do so.
Any votes for party composition? Should I revive Xzar & Monteron? or Ditch them for Jahira and Khalid?
Also I want to spice up the vanilla npcs a bit with kits any votes for who should become what?
Any other suggestions, criticisms?