Cutting edge cutscenes (and a little review)

Ok, maybe not very cutting edge given the old engine, but still, I quite enjoyed the SoD cutscenes. They are a noteworthy improvement over the ones in the previous chapters, which are somewhat interesting just because of mages going nuclear.
Instead the cutscenes in SoD have often a nice touch of animations that make them feel more cinematic and come to life:
Speaking more in general about this expansion I can say that I greatly enjoyed it. I played it just after BG1 (which I hadn't touched in more than a decade) and to my taste SoD is vastly superior story wise: more focused and more nuanced, featuring the best antagonist of the saga (Irenicus is great but it's just the nth powerhungry sociopath). Great dungeons also. The only let down was unfortunately the new companions: Corwin was quite bland, Glint a bit of a clichè ... and I also felt an extreme urgency to throw the viking guy into the poisoned river after the first banter with him (which incidentally started over the bridge, such perfect timing...). Regarding the last one I read there was more to him but it was unfortunately cut so I'll give the benefit of the doubt here. I appreciated how the old companions has been ported to SoD though.
Definetly waiting for Beamdog's next big project.
Instead the cutscenes in SoD have often a nice touch of animations that make them feel more cinematic and come to life:
for example the panicking mage at the first bridge or Caelar on the castle roof obsessing about you stood up for me, the little animations really highlighting the characters' state of mind.
Speaking more in general about this expansion I can say that I greatly enjoyed it. I played it just after BG1 (which I hadn't touched in more than a decade) and to my taste SoD is vastly superior story wise: more focused and more nuanced, featuring the best antagonist of the saga (Irenicus is great but it's just the nth powerhungry sociopath). Great dungeons also. The only let down was unfortunately the new companions: Corwin was quite bland, Glint a bit of a clichè ... and I also felt an extreme urgency to throw the viking guy into the poisoned river after the first banter with him (which incidentally started over the bridge, such perfect timing...). Regarding the last one I read there was more to him but it was unfortunately cut so I'll give the benefit of the doubt here. I appreciated how the old companions has been ported to SoD though.
Definetly waiting for Beamdog's next big project.