Paladin (Undead Hunter) or Ranger (Archer)?

I want to play through the campaign as an undead hunter/vampire hunter archetype with crossbows being the primary weapon, but I can't quite decide how to go about it. The obvious choices would be Undead Hunter, or an Archer with vampires chosen as the racial enemy. Which one would be better overall?
My current thoughts on the two kits are as follows:
* Immunity to Hold and Level Drain.
* +3 to hit and damage against ALL undead.
* Better proficiency in melee.
* Turn Undead, Protection Against Evil, Detect Alignment.
* Better spell selection (in my opinion).
* Ability to equip heavy armor.
* Ability to use the Holy Avenger (if melee becomes necessary).
* Better saves? I've read that the saving throws are bugged, but do paladins at least receive better saves?
* Most likely a higher Charisma, which is good for the party leader.
* Significant boost to THAC0 and damage when using the crossbow.
* Stealth.
* Bonus vs. vampires (although, I'm not exactly certain what the bonus would be).
* Called Shot.
It seems that the Undead Hunter would be more versatile, while the Archer would have a far superior THAC0 and damage modifier with the crossbow. What say you?
My current thoughts on the two kits are as follows:
* Immunity to Hold and Level Drain.
* +3 to hit and damage against ALL undead.
* Better proficiency in melee.
* Turn Undead, Protection Against Evil, Detect Alignment.
* Better spell selection (in my opinion).
* Ability to equip heavy armor.
* Ability to use the Holy Avenger (if melee becomes necessary).
* Better saves? I've read that the saving throws are bugged, but do paladins at least receive better saves?
* Most likely a higher Charisma, which is good for the party leader.
* Significant boost to THAC0 and damage when using the crossbow.
* Stealth.
* Bonus vs. vampires (although, I'm not exactly certain what the bonus would be).
* Called Shot.
It seems that the Undead Hunter would be more versatile, while the Archer would have a far superior THAC0 and damage modifier with the crossbow. What say you?
As to your question:
If you took xbows out of being a requirement, then archer all the way. They turn into Gatling guns later and are a lot of fun.
Undead hunters, however, are also awesome. But not as much ranged. Their immunities to hold and level drain are excellent when in the thick of things, and not as much from ranged. As you pointed out, you may use holy avenger? What's really fun with ranged characters is using two handers as backup weapons since you can't have dual weapons or a shield equipped when a ranged weapon is equipped. That being the case, I found combat a bit more smooth and fun with a character like this by taking a few pot shots from ranged (with your xbow) and then charging into the frey with your holy avenger. All without opening your inventory to swap weapons.
Sure, they'll pump out a ton of damage but there is really no "style" to their play, because their their focus is so narrow and their utilty is non-existent. You can set their AI script to 'Ranger Ranged' and leave them alone for most of the game.
That's fine for some random NPC, but for the PC it ended up feeling less than epic. Great damage, but not engaging.
Baldur's Gate is a Team Game unless you're looking to solo it with just the PC. My cavalier walks up and hits things with a big honkin' two handed sword. That's pretty much all he does.
As per your concept, both the Undead Hunter Paladin and the Archer with Favored Enemy: Vampire sound great. This sounds like a fun duo concept, take both of them, make it a multiplayer game, and you can build a team around the concept if you wanted.
This obviously has nothing to do with your PC, and even if it did, it would fix itself upon leveling up. Long story short yes, you would have better saving throws by -2 I believe due to being a Paladin. Agreed. Called Shot needs tweaking, at some levels it's totally interesting and other levels it's totally uninteresting.
I'm not sure a melee fighter is any more interesting (or less) than an archer. I sort of want to play an archer, so I'm gonna! As for the Undead Hunter, I'd imagine doom knights and things of that nature would fall fast, too! If you take the THAC0 of -3, add the +3 against undead for the class and the +4 for vampires for favored enemy, you have -10; I'm thinking, against the ONE foe, you're better as the Undead Hunter. Somebody check my math and conclusion; I'm not a good metagamer.
When a dragon shows up, though... You'll overcome and adapt!
Survey says: Undead Hunter
I'm not sure a melee fighter is any more interesting (or less) than an archer. I sort of want to play an archer, so I'm gonna! As for the Undead Hunter, I'd imagine doom knights and things of that nature would fall fast, too! I think you are mixing the two:
Archer - Racial Enemy: Vampire +4 - Base thac0: -9. Against vampire: -13.
Undead Hunter - Class Bonus Vs Undead: +3 - Base thac0: -3; against undead: -6.
True archers are nasty as i've gone through the game before as a ranger but i had much less trouble plowing undead with my pally than the ranger. But then again i am very biased for pally's as they're my favorite class lol.
@Gilgalahad - I agree the +3 to all undead is better than the +4/+4 against vampires. For damage and thac0, though, the archer bonuses will outweigh the +3 by level 12 and those bonuses apply against every opponent - not just the undead. So as far as who is the better attacker, it will always be the archer with a missile attack and never the archer with melee weapons.
I think it depends more on whether the player wants a melee character, a mixed melee/ranged character, or a range focused character.
Once you hit Throne of Bhaal AC doesn't matter much 'cause everyone's THAC0 is so high or they just fling fireballs at your head.
Spirit armor is a good recommendation, though. It is extremely useful for mages, kensai, archers, etc. for almost the entire game. By late game the AC boost doesn't do anything more than the shadow dragon armor so it isn't useful anymore.
Archers with crossbows are fantastic, I've played an archer through in a previous game. Crossbow + Bolts of lightning + whirlwind is sheer destruction once you gain epic levels & can use it. I never really had a problem with my archer being hit, as with most ranged only characters I made sure to keep him on the backlines.
I saying that I'm planing to play through EE first as a blackguard & second as an undead hunter. Solely because I haven't before. I'll probably have my undead hunter twf though since I'll have Keldorn come BG2.