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Where can i find the Party Formation files in Near Infinity (Or any other similar tool)

//I am playing IWDEE//

As many people also finds it annoying that for example in the 3x2 wide formation your party leader has always have to be at the front and such leader is not suited for the role of "meatbag"; and that there is not a leader-at-the-back version of the same; and that you don't want to change the portraits order because that would change your highest-charisma party leader I find myself wanting to tweak the files that governs such feature, yet I can't seem to find it.

Remember that the files are categorized as follows:

Text files (2DA, IDS, INI, BIO, RES)
Images (BMP, MOS, PLT, TIS)
Scripts (BCS, BS)
Animations (BAM)
Dialogs (DLG)
Music (MUS)
Sounds (WAV)
Movies (MVE)

I did a quick search on the most obvious to look for files (text files, structures and scripts) but i haven't been able to find a trace of any file related to formation but one or two "functions" in the IDS file (follow party member I think) but are of not real use anyway.

Any ideas?



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010
    sometimes hard coded stuff won't be in/accessible using NI, and it could be a possibility that this is one of those scenarios
  • Earnest_ernestEarnest_ernest Member Posts: 40
    Well, that makes my heart go sad :(
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