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Evil player character

I don't know if this one has been brought up but when you were on the roads and no one was around and you kill a roaming amn soldier you still lost 10 reputation points. Being if you play an evil character and you do this slyly, shouldn't be penalized.


  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    I agree. You should only get a reputation hit if there are other people around and they escape the area. If you kill all witnesses, why should you get a reputation hit?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    NPC's are capable of free thought?
    If you are the only visitor someone has all day, and you walk into thier house and take all thier stuff without being seen, even though they didn't see you do it, they can still put 2+2 together.

    If a party of adventurers wanders into Nashkel, and the next day a patrol group of 10 guards who have lived there thier entire lives is found murdered in the woods, it might not be unsurprising that the villagers blame the adventurers.

    Remember, the word "Reputation" does not imply the guilt or innocence of a person, merely if they are percieved as guilt or innocent.
  • MyNameIsRobMyNameIsRob Member Posts: 36
    Well the guy I killed in the game way back then was off the beaten road and who is too say I was seen going that way? What if my face reputation is very good to? Some villians are crafty.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    My first BG game I ever played I killed a civilian in the same level where Gorion gets killed and it dropped my reputation low enough that the Flaming Fist was waiting for me when I arrived in Beregost. Since the guy I killed was in the same general area where Gorion was killed, it would be logical, from a law enforcement perspective, that it was the same killer in both incidents. Since there were no witnesses to what I did aside from Imoen and my PC, it doesn't really make sense that my reputation would be so badly destroyed.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited November 2012
    Yea on the one hand I can see a justification for this, and on the other there has to be a balance with killing random people. I mean you do have party members but the structure of the game is such that even if you kill one person in cold blood the most lawful character (ajantis i dare say) in the game may not leave you. So I mean for now at least there is some balance in terms of how many people you can arbitrarily kill without getting caught.
  • MyNameIsRobMyNameIsRob Member Posts: 36
    Yeah, and I don't want to break the game or anything, its just that if I'm playng an evil aligned character it should be okay to knock off a plain soldier if not in eye view. It would be nice to for some other dialog for evil characters to give better explanation to why they would help out in alot of situations. In Nashkal mines you could not free the slaves and flood the mines. But it would be good to see the consequences of your actions. Some soldier comes up and knows your responsible, you could have done something. I know its late in developmont but it doesn't have to go any further than that if written right.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    It's a bit of a fiddle to get the two to go hand in hand, but I seem to recall at least one mod that separated BG 2's version into Reknown and Virtue. Killing things can give you a serious Virtue hit, killing with Witnesses gives you a Reknown hit as well (presumably killing all the witnesses gives you back your lost Reknown).

    I'm not sure how easily this might be implemented with the new changes to the engine, but since it was at least broadly possible before, might be something to look into.
  • MyNameIsRobMyNameIsRob Member Posts: 36
    Who's all working on it? I heard that there were about 100 volunteers that were helping to squash bugs and put in extra little things. I would be interested in little extra like I mentioned, or extra quests, as DLC if they should do it. I wouldn't mind personally paying a little extra.
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