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Mod that ports IWD paladins into BG?

ObjulenObjulen Member Posts: 93
IWD paladins are, hands down, head and shoulders above the class in BG. Is there a mod that changes the BG Paladin class to have the abilities its has in IWD?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    from as far as I can recall, the only difference between the bg paladin and the iwd paladin is that the iwd paladin gets remove disease X amount of times per day, which in bg1 isn't really all that needed, but other than that, they are pretty much the same ( except for maybe paladins get spells a little earlier in IWD than BG, but still, I don't think its all that mind boggling)
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I don't really play IWD at all but as I recall IWD paladins have a much better spell table - they get their first spell at level 6 or something.

    I know there's one mod that gives paladins and rangers the IWD spell table. Can't remember which but it's probably IWDification.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    in iwdee, paladin gain immunit to disease, cure disease once per day, immunity to fear at lvl 3 to all paladin kits and faster and stronger spell progression (from lvl 6 can cast spells and up to 6. circle at higher levels). They gain smite evil once per day, its a single targeted magic dmg, and detect evil is at-will, usable every round for free.
    Iwdee uses a lots from dnd 3, especially from iwd2 (like bard songs) because of heart of winter.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    ah, never knew they had smite evil, its been so long since I played a paladin in IWD
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    Its a totally dnd 3 feature. In adnd 2 there werent any smite evil class ability.
  • ObjulenObjulen Member Posts: 93
    I will have to check out IWDification
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