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Do certain town react differently to different people?

BlindmanBlindman Member Posts: 4
edited February 2017 in New Players (NO SPOILERS!)
So if still in the character creation stage and I just started thinking do different towns react differently to different people or is it just based on alignment?

The 2 characters I got in my head so far are: a Half-elf Beast tamer Lawful Good, and a Human Swashbuckler Chaotic Good now after I beat the tutorial and go into the next town, will people attack or look at me differenly if I were the Human thief as opposed the Half elf?
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    nope, your race/alignment/class wont ever effect you negatively towards towns folk
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    edited April 2017
    NPCs respond much more to your reputation than to your race. You might see it referenced in dialogue here and there, but typically without consequence.

    Do keep in mind that while townspeople aren't generally affected by race, romance options are (if that matters to you). Otherwise, you can play any race/class you want without worrying about variable repercussions.

    Edit: whoops, old thread. I'll assume OP's got it well figured it at this point :blush:
    Post edited by Purudaya on
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