Multi Class or Straight Mage

I have a level 8 (soon to be 9) pure mage, getting close to finishing BG and moving into SoD (for the first time!!) and BG2... Considering multi classing to Mage / Cleric but not sure if its worth doing. I kinda want to try to avoid Aerie in BG2 (she kinda annoys me quite a bit) and was thinking to make my main character a good replacement for her, and maybe drop Jaheria for a better healer (if main cannot cover her role too)
When should I multi class? Or should I even bother?
When should I multi class? Or should I even bother?
BGII has some very good divine casters anyhow. Jaheira does it well, and she's an excellent tank. Cernd has lackluster physical abilities, but makes for an excellent exclusively-healer kinda guy. Viconia is an awesome single-class cleric, and can tank decently thanks to her low AC (but her constitution leaves much to be desired). Anomen is a Fighter(7)->Cleric dual, which makes him a solid warrior who now focuses on improved divine casting (unlike a Fighter/Cleric multi-class, who will be forever divided in his/her focus). His wisdom leaves something to be desired, but it can be raised significantly upon completion of his questline.
I would suggest you shadowkeeper yourself as starting out as a Cleric or restart or just stay as a Mage.