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Simmeon Not Appearing..

So I too have found the issue of Dorn not sensing Simmeon. I have the quest log for reading the note from Kyrll... I have been into BG a couple times and even had one conversation about Luskan. Still no Simmeon... anyway to fix this other than restart the whole game? Cause it is annoying as all get out. I have reloaded the game multiple times, approached from both directions. Traveled to Nashkell and back... nothing.


  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,065
    edited February 2017
    Have you tried saving the game in the Ankheg map, exiting the game completely, and then reloading the save and entering the bridge map from the north of the ankheg area?
  • NanadilNanadil Member Posts: 5
    Yes... saved in Ankheg map and tried that too... i also went to Nashkel and tried from there too... Anybody know the Global I need to reset in EE keeper maybe to force it?
  • NanadilNanadil Member Posts: 5
    Well it worked... I had tried the saving in the Ankeh area and moving from there, but rebooting mysystem the next day seemed to fix the issue.

    Thanks muchly.
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