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so i quit smoking...

ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
Yesterday i stopped smoking, went cold turkey and now my stupid brain is in full nicotine withdrawal stage! Stupid niccotine with its zero positives and all negatives! At least smell and taste coming back online although thats not always a good thing!
Temper predictably short but it should pass soon enough. Screw ciggies ive had enough of them.



  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    good luck though! keep it up, its worth quitting.
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    Majoca said:

    Have you seen a cleric? it costs £10 for remove curse.

    Haha please pass on their number and I'll give them a call! Remove curse would be handy alright.

    Cheers though, I'm looking forwards to better health and wallet :) Just need to get through the 'want to crush everybody' stage. Maybe I need to cast imprisonment on myself for a few days...

  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    congrats, @ginger_hammer...i quit about 12 yrs ago & did as you...cold-turkey...
    in the end it's the only way to do it...
    one day @ a time, baby...
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Good luck and congrats on you decision and willpower!
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    Thanks guys. So far so good, playing some BF3 to get my stress relief :-)
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012
    Like most withdraws, it probably will last 2-3 weeks until your body is used to not having the nicotine.

    The human body will do everything in it's power to make you want more nicotine. It will make you depressed and have head aches until it gets what it wants, but eventually those feelings pass.

    Don't give in!
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    You'll want to read this;

    From what I hear, it's very accurate. Might help with the "at least I'm not alone" thought.
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    One thing a good friend of mine did when going through something similar was replace the desire for smoking with another action. No matter what was going on - if he had the desire to smoke a cig he'd chug a small glass of water instead.

    It's just incidental though - I've never been through it and this seems to be a personal thing for a lot of people. Good luck, though, kicking the cancer sticks to the curb. =)
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    @Drugar I haven't actually read the article, but you get an automatic "Like" for linking to Cracked.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Reminds me when I quit drinking coffee (yeah, it's remarkably possible, but with consequences XD )
    I replaced coffee entirely with something similar but not as bad, something that would keep me "up" and strong, in my case, cocoa with cold milk. Eventually the need for coffee went away and so did the need for the cocoa.

    Of course, the negative side being - I get tired very easily now and can't find a quick remedy to make that up.

    I don't know what can be replaced by smoking, I hear chewing gums can work out. Either way I wish you, not luck, but rather a strong will and persevere in your final goal. And if you need some people to talk to, I'm sure you can find plenty right about here :)
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    the Beatles wrote a song about quitting cigarettes...
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    Reminds me when I quit drinking coffee (yeah, it's remarkably possible, but with consequences XD )

    No way... Not possible...


    Im not a big coffee junkie but I cant start the morning without coffee ( Or before classes ), The only replacement for coffee that I can take and stay awake is Reitalin.. which is probably f**king my brain from other angle

  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2012
    Must...stop...brain...from...imploding...i know i will play string with the cat to distract - all about the distractions and stubbon will. Thanks for all the well wishes. Next watch dexter to satisfy killing urges! Haha
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    If there is one thing (amongst others, of course) I can thank my paranoid and overly worried parents for, then it is teaching me at a young age that drinking, smoking and drugs tend to ruin you and your body. I never smoked, tried drugs or alcohol and am perfectly fine with that. I cannot understand how people absolutely need coffee to get their engine running in the morning. I don't like to be physically dependent on any consumables either. Boring ol' me only drinks milk, fruit juice and water. I guess I'm the odd duck out here. XD
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 5,992
    @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud im exactly the same way :)
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    @sarevok57: And there's nothing wrong with it, although the occassional glass of wine can't do harm. :) The thing is, I dislike the taste of both coffee and alcohol, and when I don't like the taste, I don't drink it. :p
    @ginger_hammer: I wish you a whole lot of perseverance into reaching your goal. Unlike John in @Drugar's article, I know you'll succeed! :D
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Good luck, @ginger_hammer!
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Congratulations on your journey, and good luck! This is a fantastic choice to make! n_n
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @ginger_hammer Smoking is their bread and butter. If you quit, well I guess they have to start a low carbohydrate diet.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    when you've completely cut tobacco out of your life, you'll need to find a replacement vegetable...
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    I drank only caffiene with every meal during the last few weeks of school last year. When I finished finals I stopped drinking caffiene. The result was that I went to sleep Friday afternoon and woke up at 3am on Sunday, since my body had become accustomed to needing caffeine to stay awake.
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    Well my head feels like it has been roasted by some mind flayers, either that or same evil mage is trying mental domination on me. Sleeping is difficult but hopefully there isn't too much brain melt left. No pain no gain and all that.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2012
    Good for you and don't give up. Better to do it when you're healthy rather than what happened to me. (The following is pretty graphic though i'll tone it down as much as possible). I was contemplating quiting ciggies and a week or so later after much procrastination i ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks with pneumonia and had to have a tube in my lungs to drain fluid. The specialist told me that often times, smokers get things like that because smoking ciggies screws up their immune systems. Long story short, it actually saved me from withdrawal as i was too busy fighting something more dangerous and potentially deadly than simply withdrawal. After my release i never smoked again(20 yrs ciggie free now)and my withdrawal was minimal and easily solved with Werthers.

    Sorry for the length, i got started and couldn't stop lol. Bottom line, don't wait till it's almost too late like me. Hang in there, you can do it.
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