so i quit smoking...

in Off-Topic
Yesterday i stopped smoking, went cold turkey and now my stupid brain is in full nicotine withdrawal stage! Stupid niccotine with its zero positives and all negatives! At least smell and taste coming back online although thats not always a good thing!
Temper predictably short but it should pass soon enough. Screw ciggies ive had enough of them.
Temper predictably short but it should pass soon enough. Screw ciggies ive had enough of them.
Cheers though, I'm looking forwards to better health and wallet
in the end it's the only way to do it...
one day @ a time, baby...
The human body will do everything in it's power to make you want more nicotine. It will make you depressed and have head aches until it gets what it wants, but eventually those feelings pass.
Don't give in!
From what I hear, it's very accurate. Might help with the "at least I'm not alone" thought.
It's just incidental though - I've never been through it and this seems to be a personal thing for a lot of people. Good luck, though, kicking the cancer sticks to the curb.
I replaced coffee entirely with something similar but not as bad, something that would keep me "up" and strong, in my case, cocoa with cold milk. Eventually the need for coffee went away and so did the need for the cocoa.
Of course, the negative side being - I get tired very easily now and can't find a quick remedy to make that up.
I don't know what can be replaced by smoking, I hear chewing gums can work out. Either way I wish you, not luck, but rather a strong will and persevere in your final goal. And if you need some people to talk to, I'm sure you can find plenty right about here
Im not a big coffee junkie but I cant start the morning without coffee ( Or before classes ), The only replacement for coffee that I can take and stay awake is Reitalin.. which is probably f**king my brain from other angle
In all seriousness, good on you man. It took my grandpa on his dying day (lung cancer) admonishing my uncle to quit that my uncle finally did.
@ginger_hammer: I wish you a whole lot of perseverance into reaching your goal. Unlike John in @Drugar's article, I know you'll succeed!
You can still quit, you'll just be two days behind. The Hell Period lasts longer than two days though, so you can still share that.
No reason to not stop ;-)
I substituted my old cig breaks at work to check this forum instead. So far so good.
i smoked for 8 years, and suddenly woke one morning with all my desire for smoking gone.
made a few drunken missteps since then, but otherwise clean for 5 years now
you can do it!
Sorry for the length, i got started and couldn't stop lol. Bottom line, don't wait till it's almost too late like me. Hang in there, you can do it.