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Need help deciding these Mods (To Avoid Potential Bugs)

KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
I want to say first that I'm using the GoG Version, and I hope there are those on this forum that can help me figure out which mods to avoid or keep. It's been a little difficult due to the whole SoD thing, and I'm very unsure which mods currently are giving trouble for EET in general or the Mod that still clashes with other Mods or SoD. Going through the BWS (On Recommended Mode) these were the Mods I picked out:

Another reason I created this topic because today a unknown mod corrupted the Logo Movies for SoD in the EET Movie Selection under options with SoD Text from the game, and for the life of me I don't know which Mod caused this issue. I hope someone here can figure it out if he/she experience the same issue. I'm assuming if that was broken then other stuff was broken as well.


Big Mods (I didn't install any of the Big Mods last time, but I'm curious if they're safe to use right now):

Dark Horizons (Unsure of EET-SoD Status, I almost finished it back in old BGT)

Darkside of the Sword Coast (Unsure of EET-SoD Status, I remember I couldn't even get to the areas last time back on the old BGT)

Drizzt Saga (My understanding this Mod is suffering from Area Transition issues last I've read)

Quest Mods:
Back to Byrnnlaw
BG1 Mini Quests & Encounters
BG1 Unfinished Business
Dungeon Crawl
Eilistraee's Song
Fading Promises
I Shall Never Forget
Tales of the Deep Gardens
The White Queen
(My understanding one of these Author's mod map areas is overlapping another area..was this fixed?)
Lure of the Sirine's Call (I've read the Extended Lighthouse is broken, but not a total loss)
The Sellswords
The Stone of Askavar (Understanding this mod got fixed up pretty good now)
Tower of Deception
Unfinished Business
Adalon's Blood
Lucy the Wyvern
The Minotaur & Lilacor
Wheels of Prophecy
NPC Related Mods:
Banter Packs
BG1 NPC Project (All Romances turned off)
IEP Extended Banters
Imoen Friendship
NPC Flirt Packs (Only Jaheira Enabled)
Sarevok Friendship
Yoshimo Friendship
Tactical Encounters:
Ding0's Quest Pack
Rules & Tweaks:
Almateria's Restoration Pack (Honestly it should be Mandatory considering it restore lost content)
EET Tweaks
NPC Tweak
Klatu's Tweaks & Fixes
Rogue Rebalancing (Have most issues been corrected lately???)
Tweaks Anthology (Safe to use? Pre-release version it states, I turned off some features)
Unfinished Business
Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
Stores & Items:
Thalantyr Item Upgrade
Thrown Hammers
Character kits:
Rogue Rebalancing
Graphics, Portraits & Sounds Mod:
Baldur's Gate Classic Movies
The Picture Standard
Thrown Hammers

Is my setup safe or too much?


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  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2017
    That's the thing, I did look through that, but some Mod Authors don't make it very clear whether something will overlap with new areas from BGEE1&2. I came across this one problem from the forum about this specific issue:

    If Innershade is overlapping with a new area added by BGEE then it is possible other mods might get affected too, this is too much of a Russian Roulette Situation. Thankfully Innershade was recently addressed, and it will be updated, but I'm wondering just how many other mods are in the same situation that use Map Icons?
  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    The bigger ones, Drizzt Saga, and Ascension, can get a little buggy, but you can usually work around them with the console. They're pretty epic, and worth the bugs in my opinion.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2017
    Yeah, thankfully from what I can tell about Drizzt Saga that you can make a separate save just in case things go wrong. Also I'm aware of the problems with Ascension, I usually turn off most of the tactical selections, but leave the recommended components on for Ascension to avoid potential problems.

    You know? I thought of a interesting work around for these mods that use new areas, but would it be interesting to make a mod where you're given a magical item that allows you to teleport back to a original area? Given the player should only use it in case the Mod traps you, and shouldn't be abused outside of those cases.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    DUring my BWS setup I went with the teleport mod spell for that reason and downloaded alot of the same mods from this back from the debig on BWS set up not compatible

    Mod: Keto NPC (SoA)
    Component: Keto-SOA NPC

    Mod: Dark Side of the Sword Coast for BGT and EET
    Component: Dark Side of the Sword Coast
    Component: More common encounters in vanilla areas
    Component: Distribute DSotSC items also in vanilla content

    Mod: The Picture Standard for BG2:EE
    Component: Dark Side of the Sword Coast -> Vanilla

    Mod: NTotSC for EET Interim Version
    Component: NTotSC for BGT-Weidu

    Mod: Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (Dialog-Patch)
    Component: Fix NTotSC Issues

    Mod: Sandrah Saga
    Component: SandrahNPC Check for required Installation
    Component: Sandrah Worldmap Entries
    Component: SandrahNPC for EET Core
    Component: Mods Compatibility
    Component: Sandrah Kit
    Component: SandrahNPC Creatures and Items
    Component: Sandrah Shops
    Component: Sandrah Movies and Sounds
    Component: SandrahNPC for EET Compiles
    Component: Pelligram, Sandrah's Animal Companion
    Component: Worldmap Update for SandrahNPC for EET
    Component: SandrahNPC Extensions
    Component: Mod Interactions
    Component: Shauhana for Shadow of Amn EET
    Component: Sandrah ToB (EET)
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Transition
    Component: Sandrah EET additions

    Mod: Sandrah Saga - Return to Faerun
    Component: Check Requirements for EET
    Component: RTF Movies and Sounds
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Areas
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Area Modifications
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Creatures
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Items and Stores
    Component: Sandrah Return To Faerun Compiles
    Component: Sandrah RtF Cross Mod Contents
    Component: EET Compliance

    Mod: Sandrah Saga - Time of Troubles Revisited
    Component: Sandrah Time of Troubles Revisited Areas
    Component: Sandrah Time of Troubles Revisited Compiles

    Mod: The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight
    Component: The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight -> Normal edition

    Mod: Lure of the Sirine's Call
    Component: The Lure of the Sirine's Call

    Mod: Thalantyr Item Upgrade
    Component: Thalantyr - Item Upgrade

    Mod: Sword Coast Stratagems
    Component: Faster Bears
    Component: More realistic wolves and wild dogs
    Component: Smarter sirines and dryads
    Component: Slightly harder carrion crawlers
    Component: Smarter basilisks
    Component: Improved doppelgangers
    Component: Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards
    Component: Improved deployment for parties of assassins
    Component: Dark Side-based kobold upgrade
    Component: Relocated bounty hunters
    Component: Improved Ulcaster
    Component: Improved Balduran's Isle
    Component: Improved Durlag's Tower
    Component: Improved Demon Cultists
    Component: Improved Cloakwood Druids
    Component: Improved Bassilus
    Component: Improved Drasus party
    Component: Improved Red Wizards
    Component: Improved Undercity party
    Component: Tougher chapter-two end battle
    Component: Tougher chapter-three end battle
    Component: Tougher chapter-four end battle
    Component: Tougher chapter-five end battle
    Component: Improved final battle
    Component: Improved minor encounters

    Mod: EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) Tweaks
    Component: Consistent NPC appearance (EET)

    Mod: Nightfarer's Area Patcher
    Component: Fix BG1NPC Romance Challenges - X#AJR1.ARE
    Component: Fix BG1NPC Romance Challenges - X#CH11.ARE
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2017
    I've talked with Roxanne about the Mods, and I'm told most of the Mods I had should be compatible with EET, but she has not tested the BG2 Mods as of yet. However things like SCS might create issues, I always thought that script altering mods could bring in rather "odd & interesting" results that could clash with Quest & Mega Mods.

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