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Possible DLC Suggestions

As the release date of PC version is coming close (and I have already 'created' my characters for solo and also multiplayer), I couldn't help myself, but think of what I would like to play and buy as a DLC for BG:EE. These are my two suggestions. Both are things I was always thinking of when playing BG but also other DnD PC games. Also, both are only sketches, with more specific mechanics/numbers left for developers to think of:

1) End-game challenging content!

-So my first idea would be rather simple. The concept is actually very similar to alreay introduced 'The Black Pits'. Stand-alone DLC, working outside of main game, specifically tailored as a content AFTER reaching level cap. It would be a multiple level dungeon, basically similar to Watcher's Keep. You import your character from the end of BG:EE (the whole party would be even better) and you are thrown into this dungeon, where you can level again up until ToB level cap (or whatever level would developers choose). Imo 1 level/1 floor would be fine. The most important thing is that it would be very challenging. Boss fight on every floor. And of course some appropriate loot :) If I had to compare with something, I would say, Diablo in DnD. Or, maybe even better comparison - Baldur's Gate style WoW raiding. In my opinion, it would be nice for us who very much enjoy the combact aspect of DnD games. And if it would be challenging enough, it could last for good couple of hours.

2) PvP arena.

-Seriously, PvP in DnD style games should be something very awesome. The basic premise is probably obvious. 2 players with X characters ('X' would have to be decided - 1 is probably too low because of possible hardcounters in DnD system, more than 3 is probably too much for fluidity of the game) playing against each other in one arena. Of course, many designing choices would have to be made (only some set level or allow leveling-up? If set level, what level? What would be the rewards for winning? What items to let the players use? etc.), but in general it could be fun. Of course, I know DnD system is not the most balanced system ever, but still, it could be fun!

So, these are my two ideas for DLCs, maybe they are not good at all, but I felt like if I made them up, I would at least let people know, maybe someone will like them and even if they are not introduced as DLCs, maybe some mods will be made :)


  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    1: Sure, I'd even be interested in a finale DLC after all those adventures to fight off Irenicus' agents until your inevitable defeat, lasting as long as you can against waves of increasingly more dangerous foes, until finally your "death" exports your party and gives you your closing blurb.

    2: There's a reason why PvP doesn't exist in D&D style games. This isn't a "hard counters" issue, rather a "only one class need apply" issue. D&D was never designed around the idea of competitive balance, and the fighting man is essentially death for mages at early levels, whilst mages are death for everyone at higher levels. The only possible PvP setting which might actually boil down to skill would be the Mirror Match, same class vs. same.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    I want to play the Black pits first before i want something similar....
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