Urgency of NPC Missions

Hi All, i'm being bugged by both Nalia and Korgan to start their personal missions immediately
Does it matter which order I do them in?
Are they likely to give up on me if I don't start them as soon as they'd like?
Any help appreciated as I'd like to keep them both in my party...
Does it matter which order I do them in?
Are they likely to give up on me if I don't start them as soon as they'd like?
Any help appreciated as I'd like to keep them both in my party...
with korgan he is going to push you pretty hard to continue with his, so I would suggest perhaps going into the graveyard, go down into the tunnels, finish that off, then go over to nalias hold, find daleson, speak with him, then finish off korgans mission, and then you should be good to go with no one rushing you to do things afterwards
Korgan and Nalia both fall in the "they really mean it" camp. If you ignore them long enough, they *will* bail on you. A day or two before you reach that point they'll give you a very strongly worded plea that should serve as your cue to either resolve their quest immediately or start looking for a replacement.
Luckily, they both judge based on in-game time, not play time, so as long as you aren't resting a ton or traveling outside of Athkala too much, (where you can easily rack up several days worth of travel time in a couple minutes), you should have a while before things go south. And Korgan's quest in particular is really quick to resolve.
I also wouldn't ignore Edwin if he starts complaining, either. I think he's the only other one who will leave you if you're taking too long for his liking, (though I'll admit that I've never pushed Valygar, Cernd, or Haer'Dalis). Additionally, if you adventure with people for a while, usually something important will come up that they have to deal with, and all of those quests will have a timer, too. Quick rule of thumb is if it involves someone's family, you aren't going to want to keep them waiting.
Cernd complains, but I don't think he ever leaves.
Haer'Dalis will walk out on you if you never return to the playhouse with his gem.