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BG2: Alternity

So, one of the vaunted features of BG:EE is the ability to export your NPCs and carry your party over to BG2:EE.

Since there's no "canon party" to suffer anymore, what would your party be?

Whose body do you come across flayed alive in Irenicus' dungeon?

Who died when you were being captured?

Would Imoen be captured separately from you, or is she already long dead, and another Bhaalspawn taken her place?

Would you be interested in these being randomly determined at the beginning of each game?

Determined based on your party composition when you moved onto BG2?

Or would the idea of losing valued friends and allies outside of your control be a turn off?


  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Normally, If I haven't had Jaheira or Minsc in my party back in BG1, I usually ctrl+Y them in the dungeon and pretend it was a 'random tortured victim" .

    As for the others, well, I like to think that...
    Kivan and Viconia were loners, they left us before we were kidnapped.
    Most evil characters (Xzar, Montaron, Edwin) didn't even like you , so they departed after Sarevok's defeat.

    If some of them had to die, I believe it was necesary for the plot. Adventurers die, that's what they live for.

    I wouldn't expect the devs to canon my BG1 party - it sounds too complex and there are more interesting ones to join ya in BG2.
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Yea this is definitely not a "vaunted feature," in fact they can't change something like that at all, they are on a very strict contract as to the changing of original content. I think you misunderstood the importing of YOUR NPC, which will be similar to how it worked when these games originally came out.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137

    I think you misunderstood the importing of YOUR NPC, which will be similar to how it worked when these games originally came out.

    I don't believe I have an NPC, I have a PC, but perhaps I misread. Please feel free to consider the thread the thought exercise it was intended to be, rather than a feature request.
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