I think I'm going to make my home in Chaotic Evil

I've tried on different alignments, different goals, but at the end of the day, the clothes I feel most comfortable slipping into are the well-worn black leathers of Chaotic Evil. I'm not that mean by nature, so I thought Chaotic Neutral would do just as well, but let's be honest, we don't want to settle for the second-best. Chaotic Evil is just so natural and form-fitting. Everything else is, like, why oh why? Only here do they totally mean business with the greatest ease. This alignment is like swinging in a hammock on a breezy, sunny day, when you can also reach down, pick up a boot and throw it at the head of the neighbour over the fence. And you also have the second boot.
His personality seems pretty chaotic to me - all he really cares about is being invulnerable due to absolute power. He'll sacrifice love, Belle, Baelfire, and probably his new younger son, too, before he'll give up his power.
"Chaotic evil" doesn't necessarily mean you operate completely outside the law or the bureaucracy, or even that you don't keep your word or your deals. It means you revere power and dominance above all else, and you have a strong sadistic streak that you will indulge whenever you think you can get away with it.
"Lawful evil" types usually think they are doing good or right, by enforcing order under their rule with no mercy. "Neutral evil" types are just very selfish, and often think of themselves as "chaotic neutral."
Chaotic evil types have no illusions about their evilness. They love to inflict pain and suffering, they worship power, and they will lie or tell the truth at whim - why should they even worry about it, as long as they are powerful enough? They do whatever they feel like. Power, sensual pleasure, lie, truth, whatever. But first and foremost is power.
Many, many players think they are playing chaotic neutral, lawful evil, or neutral evil, when they are actually playing chaotic evil. I've had the displeasure of playing tabletop D&D with such chaotic evil groups who didn't own what they were playing.
@chimeric Oh, and you might want to be in the NEIGHBOR'S hammock after the boot throwing cause his is a lil more comfortable and the view is better. Plus, as he needs to go back inside his house to tend to his booted in head anyway, he could bring out a nice cold drink to you on his way back to your house to mow the lawn for ya.
You did tell him about the rattler you saw in the bushes earlier near that overgrown area of the yard, right? I suppose he could also give you good feedback as the effectiveness of the covered pit traps you were trying to perfect in the backyard after that survival course.
Oh well, I'm sure you'll hear if he 'notices' either(better than the sweet sounds of the birds chirping in the trees).
PS Don't forget to whittle at the hammock ropes with your knife just a hair when you head back home. Neighbors, the gift that just keeps on giving.
Well, 'Stiltskin' might agree I think
@BelgarathMTH In my old tabletop PnP days, with evil played correctly, their was often alot of mistrust among the players. I encouraged that by passing notes to players and players do the same to others in order to help get the mood right. Food days those, I remember as DM I would often just pass a note to someone (maybe even blank) just to get the group in the right frame of mind for playing evil right.
But yeah, often alot of confusion to the different alignments. It got so rough at times that if a character was hurt bad, another player might come up to him and say "You can't move can ya, ya sure ya can't move? Well, I guess you ain't gonna be needing those nice boots anymore, are you?
On a side note:
It always bugs me to hear sometimes that if CHARNAME in BG that is going to play evil , they MUST ALL evil NPC's, some of them are going to cooperate yeah, cause it helps them. I always thought it would interesting to have the game actually carry out some betrayal's by evil NPC's, just to keep it real. Better to have a few good folks about to add some respectability to the CHARNAME and to be more apt to help him out of a tough situation(well, from a roleplaying perspective).
Course game mechanics have alignments leave at times, but if CHARNAME went off by himself and did something 'evil'(totally in secret), then the others should not have to hear about it and get the rep penalty that makes them leave.