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Teasers trailers and announcments for publicity

Well, don't know if people will agree with me but there's no harm in ask.

Isn't time already for teaser trailers and advertsiments for BG EE? Unless the devs intent to delay it again, we're at 21 days of the launch. The screenshots are nice and all but they're not even close the tease material expected. I would like to see a teaser trailer made for publicity, and some innter videos would be also nice, too. A video with the new opening game trailer would be awersome also.

I never saw any release of an know or already expected game without teasers and publicity, so... any statement for us Devs?


  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    I think that word of mouth has always been the best publicity for the BG games. Most youths today would see a trailer of the game and think that its absolutely terrible due to the graphics.

    There are also loads of lets play videos of the normal games on youtube as well, not much more can be done with trailers and advertisments for such an old game.
  • wojtekwojtek Member Posts: 311
    it's impossible 19 days to release and still nothing
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    If they think that way they will buy the game and be pissed off by the graphics, you understand that you just described an misleading advertising, do you?
  • wojtekwojtek Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2012
    maybe they will not be on time again all these looks very un proffesional
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Hmm, it is a bit worrisome that there hasn't been more advertising from the publishers this close to release. I read somewhere on here that they had some promotionals prepared but couldn't get approval to release them yet. I'm not sure why the licenseholders are being so restrictive about promotion of the project.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Permission to even release the adversiment? That doesn't sound much like a company developing a game, it's more for an emplyeer (or a team of them) working for someone else.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2012
    kamuizin said:

    Permission to even release the adversiment? That doesn't sound much like a company developing a game, it's more for an emplyeer (or a team of them) working for someone else.

    Exactly. They're not developing a game but reworking someone else's, which in turn is based on someone else's IP. You could find a lot of adjectives for such a project, such as "bold" and "amazing" but "independent" wouldn't be one of them. I don't mean this in a derogatory way. But that's the point: it's not a brand new game.

    Approving promotional material for the EE is probably not high on the list of priorities of Atari/WotC. Interested gamers know what to expect, and there's a whole bunch of information available regarding what's new, improved or changed.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    The best trailer I can imagine is probably one with some quotes about the game's status in gaming history leading up to just to the Baldur's Gate skull image or some other iconic image from the game and the delivery date. There are tons of articles these could be pulled from reviewing the best games in history; best RPGs in history, etc. I don't think they need a lot of material for an effective trailer.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Well, regardless, they said come hell or highwater it's releasing November 30th.

    I agree it's concerning though.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    I would speculate they've sent some promo materials (screenshots, trailer, etc.) for approval and it's been sitting on someone's desk (or inbox) since then. In the meanwhile, they're probably more concerned with having a stable enough release by the 28th and starting BG2. Once it's out, anyone who hasn't downloaded it will be able to rely on reviews.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    It's probably better to think about promotional material being released on a weekly basis rather than just counting down the days and feeling bad when wednesday afternoon doesn't bring any more content than wednesday morning did.
  • HeasHeas Member Posts: 54
    And while all of your arguments are great, I still want to see some screenshots, New Screenshots of the improved journal system for example.
    and a trailer, That would be nice.

    Allright, Thank you, Goodbye.
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited November 2012
    I don't know. I pre-ordered and i didn't withdraw my pre-order when they announced the delay, while i think they did a delay in a wrong fashion, too much near the 1° launch date (despite the devs excuse of not being able to anounce the delay before), i really didn't care at first, it's a team made by know names among the gamers and we know that any delay here is to improve the game.

    But we're at 20 days of the launch now, it's more than enough time to make a trailer. A single trailer only. If there's someone (or company) outside the devs that control they work, could Beamdog point them to us? Cos i would like to carry my complains there, and maybe with a lot of BG fans complaining with this "boss" we could even get more things, like some authorization to change specific original contents for example.

    So, who is this boss?

    Don't take me wrong, say that "i don't have authorization to do it" is ok, but tell me then who can give that authorization.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459


  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    I think it's bizarre that we're this close to the release and barely anything has been shown. Is it in Beamdog's contract that they can't promote the game at all?
  • RedfernRedfern Member Posts: 19
    For Crom!!! Smash this authorization!!!
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    This is a re-tread topic. The issue is that it takes permission from the folks with icons at the bottom of the page (ATARI and WOTC). I think the bureaucratic nonsense is something we're bound to suffer.
  • Arabus13Arabus13 Member Posts: 102
    It would be nice though if there was a post from an authoritative source that stated something to the effect that they were on track and pre-downloading would begin on such a such a date at the latest....
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    I think it's bizarre that we're this close to the release and barely anything has been shown. Is it in Beamdog's contract that they can't promote the game at all?

    They need to negotiate everything about the game with WOTC / Atari. The single main reason why there aren't so many D&D games out there is because ita owners keep such a tight grip over the game. Its a silly business plan IMO, they would have gotten immensely more publicity and fame if they allowed developers to have complete freedom with creating and marketting D&D based games.

    Even if BGEE and BG2EE are successful, there is little hope of beamdog getting a contract to make a new BG3. And when if they did, it would most likely have to follow the latest ruleset and be made in a disatrous 3D engine like NWN and D&D daggerdale.
  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    Or the third dungeon siege. God that one hurt me.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    The main issue here is the fact that not only Beamdog is bound to those assignments rights, but there's no channel to promote the contact betweem the customer and the true owner of the copyrights or at least the person/company that has the power to permit or forbid.

    Should exist a contact link or at least a specific forum within the site of the person/company with the proper powers to authorize or not BG EE issues.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @kamuizin - You could try Atari forums or whatnot. You won't see the dev participation that we see here. We're basically spoiled!
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    If Atari holds the copyrights, that means the sales of BG EE somehow in some form will be converted to them as profit also, so i believe they should hear the customers, but they're just hiding themselfs behind beamdog.
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