Help: Reading list for the world of Baldur's Gate

Hi guys, I need some suggestions on books to read if I want to fully grasp the world of Baldur's Gate. I've been told to stay away from the BG novels (which I will). So what are the essential books to read?
I've come up with a preliminary list based on some online recommendations:
1) The Avatar series
2) The Legend of Drizzt series
3) Fan fictions
What else have I missed? Thanks in advance
I've come up with a preliminary list based on some online recommendations:
1) The Avatar series
2) The Legend of Drizzt series
3) Fan fictions
What else have I missed? Thanks in advance

2. Moonshae trilogy. It was first.
3. Shandril's Saga. That poor, poor barmaid. Second book is in the Harpers series.
4. Song and Swords.
Actually, I think it might be easier to say anything by Elaine Cunningham, Ed Greenwood, Troy Denning, or Douglas Niles gets my approval. Otherwise this list would explode.
Also I feel that the first book in the BG trilogy was...acceptable.
I just bought the first book of the Dark Elf trilogy which is the prequel to the Icewind dale trilogy. There goes my weekend
Btw, if I wish to know more about the different temples and religion in BG, which book/s will be good?
LIES, do not listen!
As I said elsewhere, it was at least coherent. There is no coherency in the second one, Abdel seems to be on an acid trip for half the book. In the 3rd one, well, to talk about it would be spoilers, but it's also crap.
Plus I like the end. I'm probably misquoting:
"There will be more of us, brother! You may have killed me, but there will be others."
"Then I'll kill them too, brother."