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Idea - make a log

It would be sweet at the end of a game to be able to have a trace of the adventure!

It would not be that heavy to add a log file to each savegame.

What do you think?


  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    I like the idea. It sounds similar to the progression map in the end of Civilization IV.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    I'd like it, especially if I could then go back and write in notes (to remind myself to go back and murder Drizzt), or edit what happened into my character's specific take on events.
  • DjonneDjonne Member Posts: 71
    I wasn't thinking about this kind of log, but it is a good idea, a new section in the journal where you can write notes :D

    I was thinking about having a log of what is written in the bottom text box.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    BGEE is technically using BG2's journal system, so there is a field where you can write your notes.
  • DjonneDjonne Member Posts: 71
    I didn' know it was already possible in BG2. :D
  • charmercharmer Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2012
    When reading the thread title, I was thinking a log more along the lines of a system log - game stats, if you will.

    So you could see how many (side) quests you've finished, how much gold have you earned, how many/which (unique) opponents you've vanquished, how many party members have, how much time you've spent playing at different areas cumulatively, etc.

    If I remember correctly, some of this info is already there at char stats, journal, or savegames but it would be nice to have a comprehensive kind of a report of your record available during the gameplay or just at the end of chapters or the whole game.

    Like it?

    ETA: And just for the heck of it, there could also be a formula to grade your game at the end according to your record. More criteria to consider: how truthful have you been to your alignment, how many legendary items have you found, promiscuity meter :), number of your deaths (recorded across savegames), the list could go on...
    Post edited by charmer on
  • DjonneDjonne Member Posts: 71
    Actually having a log of what's written in the text box would allow making scripts to do this kind of things :o
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited November 2012
    There was once an idea on these boards I thought was really cool. It basically was something like the game outputs a data file which contains information of every single action taken in an area.
    Then modders could take the file and make a program which use the file as a set of inputs for viewing instant replays of fights and creating cutscenes, etc.
  • DjonneDjonne Member Posts: 71
    I LOVE this idea!

    Pausing the game is a necessity but we sure lose a bit of the intensity of the action.
    Being able to replay our own fights in real time would be amazing!
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