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[MOD] "Level Up" Icon Tweaks

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
edited June 2017 in PST:EE Mods
Download: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks (latest)

This mod allows you to tweak the "level up" notification icon in PST:EE. One component allows you to turn level up notifcations on or off via baldur.lua option. A second component moves the level up icon from the health bar up into the character portraits.

How to install
This is a WeiDU mod, that means it is very easy to install. Simply unpack the downloaded archive into your game directory and run setup-A7-LevelUpTweaks.exe.

Components & Screenshots
1. Enable "level up" icon activation switch in baldur.lua

This component installs an option to turn level up icon notifications on or off and enables
it in the baldur.lua.

To manually enable level up icon notifications, open baldur.lua and add the following option:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Level Up Icon','1')

To manually disable level up icon notifications, open baldur.lua and set the following option:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Level Up Icon','0')

The baldur.lua file can be found in "Documents/Planescape Torment - Enhanced Edition".

Important: The option will not be removed from baldur.lua when you uninstall the mod.

2. Move "level up" icons into character portraits (requires first component)

This component moves level up icons from the health bar up into the top right corner of
the character portraits.

Post edited by argent77 on


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
    edited June 2017

    New release: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks v2.3

    • Traified setup messages
    • Added modder prefix to mod file and folder names
    • Included (stable) WeiDU v241 executable
  • NicolBluetoothNicolBluetooth Member Posts: 48
    I had to uninstall the level up icons to character portraits component. I think it's because EEUITweaks also has a similar component, and I have EEUITweaks installed, so the plus icon was so far up it was hovering above the character portrait until I uninstalled it.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
    @NickBluetooth I couldn't reproduce this effect with EEUITweaks installed. Did you install other mods that could have modified the UI?
  • NicolBluetoothNicolBluetooth Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017
    argent77 said:

    @NickBluetooth I couldn't reproduce this effect with EEUITweaks installed. Did you install other mods that could have modified the UI?

    I think I was wrong. It might not have been because of some other mod, but because I had already installed a version of LevelUpTweaks released in April, and I overrided the folder because I didn't know how to properly uninstall WeiDU mods at the time. I believe it was LevelUpTweaks 2.2 beta. However, I recently ran the full uninstaller for both the old and new versions of the mods, but the icon remained in the top-right portrait corner. What I had to do to fix it was temporarily change the - 62 in the setup file to a + 62, reinstall the mod, copy the override folder's file, uninstall the mod, change the - 62 back, reinstall just the lua component of the mod, copy the back to override, then reinstall the icon-raising component.
    So, I'm pretty sure the initial cause of all this was because I didn't know to uninstall the old version of this mod before installing the current version. I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused.
    Post edited by NicolBluetooth on
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Hello there!
    Attached the Italian translation.
    The file can be converted without any issue in ANSI format - there are no special characters. Tymora smiles upon Italians :)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
    Thank you!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462

    New release: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks v2.4

    • Added Italian translation (thanks Aedan)
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462

    New release: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks v2.5

    • Added Polish readme and translation (thanks memory)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    thank you Argent!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
    New release: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks v2.6

    • Added German translation and readme
    • Updated links in readme
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,462
    New release: "Level Up" Icon Tweaks v2.7

    • Added French translation (thanks Jazira)
    • Added Project Infinity support
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