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Request: Make random drops less random

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
This is a request for a mod that would make the entirely random drops less random. Seemingly, more often than not, the randomness of drops makes most of them unusable by anyone in the party and they go to rot. The idea would be for the random drops to do a check of classes/kits in the party and only drop items that are usable by *someone* in the party.


  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    Tweaks Anthology contains a component called Friendly Random Drops.

    From the readme:
    Friendly Random Drops
    IWDEE, IWD, IWD-in-BG2

    One of IWD's funner aspects can also be one of its most frustrating: random drops. Various chests and creatures will pick an item from a list of possibilities once you enter their area, making certain powerful and unusual items unavailable in a given game--a common frustration is missing elven chain mail for bards. This component gives players some control over this process by letting them select from one of three options:

    Re-Randomize on Reload - This option simply re-picks the random item whenever you reload or revisit an area, so you can stand beside a chest and mash quickload.
    Choose Your Drop - The random items are replaced with tokens, which can be immediately exchanged for your choice of an item from the original table.
    Exchange with Merchants - This component will have the normal random drops when you travel through the world, but adds a merchant in Kuldahar and one in Lonelywood (if HoW is installed). These merchants will allow you to exchange your items for another item in the table--for a commission, of course.
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