Coran Wyvern Quest Bug Still? Mods....

Can anyone tell me if the quest is bugged with Unfinished Business? I know it was... "way" back in the day. I can get Coran's quest but can't get his dialogue on Wyvern death to trigger, or Kelddath to give any reward. I know the console command to keep him in the party and kill his timer, but not to close the quest. Was wondering if anyone else has seen this. Do the wyverns have to be in the cave? If you have him, ditch him, pick him back up. does it make it wonky? If anyone is running this mod and can let me know -- appreciated!
Post edited by HaHaCharade on
Unfinished business may change this but stock EE it doesn't seem to care about anything just so long as you have a head in your inventory.