Feature Requests

1. Old ammo stack sizes. They were 20 in BG, and were doubled in BG2 to 40. That was bad enough, but now they've been doubled again to 80. Why? What for? Why? Who asked for this?
2. New "threshold" Pick Pocket system. Now this is an odd one. Sure, the old chance-based system was abuseable as hell, but ultimately it was up to the player how cheap they wanted to be. Frankly speaking I am surprised such blatant ingerention in core game mechanics was given a green light at Beamdog, and even more surprised that the community was apparently completely okay with it.
What's funny is that these changes don't really do anything anyway, because apparently Beamdog was lazy and made the threshold 50 for just about everything in the game. Since Thieves have 25 Pick Pocket to begin with, all this means is that you have to spend one Thief level increasing Pick Pocket and the game plays exactly as before. This doesn't really fix anything, just frustrates people who now have to delay Open Locks, which means they have to remember/backtrack to closed containers. Furthermore, the simple and clear "Target has no items" message was changed to the cryptic "Target has no items that can be pickpocketed by a cutpurse of your skill". You know what I did when I first read that? I quicksaved, KILLED the NPC in question just to check if they actually have any items or not, then quickloaded when I saw they didn't. What is this guess-game nonsense?
Either implement the "Pick Pocket Threshold" feature properly and give various NPCs different Pick Pocket thresholds depending on their "quality"(i.e. pickpocketing Lynx Eye Gem from Phlydia should probably be much easier than pickpocketing the cloak from Algernon) or roll it back to the way it was before and let players decide if they care. Or at the very least, give us an option in the Baldur.lua to go back to the old version. And either way, let me know when there's nothing to steal.
3. Options, it would be nice if they existed. Why do I have to manually edit the config file to disable critical hit screen shake? Why are there no graphics settings whatsoever? Surely we can assume that anyone can play the games maxed out, but at least maybe let me pick the resolution.
4. UI. You already got a lot of flak for the UI - and rightly so. So let me just focus on the minute details: the horrible "thing you are currently using icon" that appears on top-right of portraits for god knows what reason. Let me turn that off. In original games, you could close spell/innate bars by clicking on the space on the bar unoccupied by any spell/ability. This is now impossible because "empty space" is considered "empty slots". There was a way adjust the size of text/feedback window with arrows on the side(2 lines, 4 lines, and I think 8 lines), I'd like that back so I don't have to carefully resize it every time. When my character levels up, the portrait flashes and left-clicking automatically takes me to the level-up screen. Let me turn that off. Oh, and in the original games, when picking up items their icons replaced the cursor icon; now they both appear. Let me turn that off.
2. New "threshold" Pick Pocket system. Now this is an odd one. Sure, the old chance-based system was abuseable as hell, but ultimately it was up to the player how cheap they wanted to be. Frankly speaking I am surprised such blatant ingerention in core game mechanics was given a green light at Beamdog, and even more surprised that the community was apparently completely okay with it.
What's funny is that these changes don't really do anything anyway, because apparently Beamdog was lazy and made the threshold 50 for just about everything in the game. Since Thieves have 25 Pick Pocket to begin with, all this means is that you have to spend one Thief level increasing Pick Pocket and the game plays exactly as before. This doesn't really fix anything, just frustrates people who now have to delay Open Locks, which means they have to remember/backtrack to closed containers. Furthermore, the simple and clear "Target has no items" message was changed to the cryptic "Target has no items that can be pickpocketed by a cutpurse of your skill". You know what I did when I first read that? I quicksaved, KILLED the NPC in question just to check if they actually have any items or not, then quickloaded when I saw they didn't. What is this guess-game nonsense?
Either implement the "Pick Pocket Threshold" feature properly and give various NPCs different Pick Pocket thresholds depending on their "quality"(i.e. pickpocketing Lynx Eye Gem from Phlydia should probably be much easier than pickpocketing the cloak from Algernon) or roll it back to the way it was before and let players decide if they care. Or at the very least, give us an option in the Baldur.lua to go back to the old version. And either way, let me know when there's nothing to steal.
3. Options, it would be nice if they existed. Why do I have to manually edit the config file to disable critical hit screen shake? Why are there no graphics settings whatsoever? Surely we can assume that anyone can play the games maxed out, but at least maybe let me pick the resolution.
4. UI. You already got a lot of flak for the UI - and rightly so. So let me just focus on the minute details: the horrible "thing you are currently using icon" that appears on top-right of portraits for god knows what reason. Let me turn that off. In original games, you could close spell/innate bars by clicking on the space on the bar unoccupied by any spell/ability. This is now impossible because "empty space" is considered "empty slots". There was a way adjust the size of text/feedback window with arrows on the side(2 lines, 4 lines, and I think 8 lines), I'd like that back so I don't have to carefully resize it every time. When my character levels up, the portrait flashes and left-clicking automatically takes me to the level-up screen. Let me turn that off. Oh, and in the original games, when picking up items their icons replaced the cursor icon; now they both appear. Let me turn that off.