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Throne of Bhaal - 'It Is Time For The End'

A quick question that I'll not go into too much detail about for myself. When you go to the final battle of Throne of Bhaal, you are informed that your pocket plane will be destroyed when you leave it. What happens to any additional party members still remaining there by the time you finish the game? I have to assume they are spat back out onto the Prime Material Plane, but would be so reassured if there was a point of dialogue somewhere in the game that could be pointed to by a fellow forumite to confirm it!


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The game is utterly silent on the fate of whoever is in the pocketplane at the end. I would think they get just the same as you do, but really any headcanon as good as canon at this point.
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