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So I often play with a custom party in which the important stats are maximised on a character - however this is by actual roles and not via shadow keeper or crtl8(or whatever the cheat is). Do people consider this lame? I do occasionally use Shadow keeper to up other stats ( for example I try not to have useless stats on a fighter say wisdom below 10 for rp values but that's it). What do people think?


  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    I think you can do whatever you like in a single player game.

    Occasionally I make custom kits, items and NPCs for a playthrough simply because they fit a particular concept I have in mind. Sometimes they are weak. Sometimes they are hideously overpowered. It's not like there's anyone looking over my shoulder to call me a dirty cheater.

    So no what you are doing isn't lame because this isn't a competitive game. What is lame is players trying to push their own play style as the "one true way".
  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    Let me tell you the One True Way to Play. Does it sound fun? Do it. Was it fun? If yes, keep doing it. If no, ask yourself, what sounds fun? Do that. Continue ad infinitum.
  • SomeSortSomeSort Member Posts: 859
    I've done a trilogy run with a character with 25s in every stat. I've also done a trilogy run with a character with racial/class minimums across the board, (a halfling F/T with 9/9/10/6/3/3, IIRC).

    Most of my runs fall somewhere in between.
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