regen potion working on rest like in classic BG2? work around?
St. Andrew
Member Posts: 86
Any work arounds for regen potion working on rest like in classic BG2?
For other substitutes, it'd help to know what you're trying to do. For instance, is this a solo run (or other run without a Cleric) and you want a way to heal your characters without resting for 30 days?
The value of regeneration items while resting is their duration doesn't run out. Like, if there was a spell that said "regenerate 1 HP per round" that lasted for one round, it'd be virtually useless as it's just healing you one HP.
But under vanilla BG, if you triggered a rest while it was up, its duration wouldn't expire and it would continue ticking away and healing you 1 HP per round for your entire rest cycle, potentially hundreds of damage in total. Which for solo characters with no divine spells was the cheapest and easiest way to get a full heal, (the alternative largely being "drink a ton of healing potions").
You could do something similar by triggering DUHM right before resting to get your constitution to 20 and unlock innate regeneration which would last for your entire rest cycle.