What exactly caused Cyric to go mad?

Hi guys and especially FR scholars, need some help here on Forgotten realm Lore for research.
What is it exactly that caused Cyric to go mad? I've read conflicting information about it, some of which are as follows:
1) Cyric read the book called the Cyrinishad (a magical tome which he made a scribe create for him) and this drove him insane
2) During a revolt in the City of Death against Cyric led by Mask who used Kelemvor's soul to gain the cooperation of Mystra, Torm, Oghma and Cyric's own high priest Fzoul Chembryl, great chaos was caused in two of Cyric's most important bases of faith: Zhentil Keep, and the City of Death. A great number of Cyric's follower lost their faith, thus greatly weakening Cyric himself. As a result, Cyric lost his mind and crushed his sword(Mask), which freed Kelemvor, and made his nightmare come true. (or did he lose his mind after his nightmare came true?)
3) Cyric went mad after he assassinated Mystra which caused the Spellplague and the collapse of the Weave.
Which of the above is correct? Or is there something else that drove him mad? Thanks a lot in advance.
What is it exactly that caused Cyric to go mad? I've read conflicting information about it, some of which are as follows:
1) Cyric read the book called the Cyrinishad (a magical tome which he made a scribe create for him) and this drove him insane
2) During a revolt in the City of Death against Cyric led by Mask who used Kelemvor's soul to gain the cooperation of Mystra, Torm, Oghma and Cyric's own high priest Fzoul Chembryl, great chaos was caused in two of Cyric's most important bases of faith: Zhentil Keep, and the City of Death. A great number of Cyric's follower lost their faith, thus greatly weakening Cyric himself. As a result, Cyric lost his mind and crushed his sword(Mask), which freed Kelemvor, and made his nightmare come true. (or did he lose his mind after his nightmare came true?)
3) Cyric went mad after he assassinated Mystra which caused the Spellplague and the collapse of the Weave.
Which of the above is correct? Or is there something else that drove him mad? Thanks a lot in advance.
Kelemvor's emergence was an effect of the whole Cyrinishad debacle, but not what turned Cyric mad. He became mad after reading the book, intended for mortals and gods as well, that made people believe in Cyric to the exclusion of all other gods. To restore balance, Ao the Overgod makes Kelemvor god of the dead, and Cyric lord of intrigue etc.
I don't think breaking Godsbane in any way caused Cyric to go mad (though he did it in anger). By that point I think he had already been driven mad by the book. I think the three pronged attack by the other gods was really just intended to weaken Cyric and not to drive him mad.
Yeah, I can see why one would go mad.
I think it's karma, personally.
"Hey, peon, make a book that'll turn ANYONE and everyone who reads it into a fanatic follower of mine."
"Ok, boss."
Yeah, can't see where THAT couldn't be a problem down the road.