New BGII:EE Multiplayer Group

in Multiplayer
I played the original game back in the day, logged several hundred hours on it. Haven't played in years, but just saw the enhanced edition on Steam and thought it might be fun to run it. Never played multiplayer at all, so figured might be even MORE fun to run a multiplayer game.
If you're interested, my steam name is the same as username here. Please send me a message with your friend request so I know who you are. I'd be interested in setting up a regular agreed time with some folks, so let me know if you're interested. I'm Eastern time-zone, if that matters to you.
If you're interested, my steam name is the same as username here. Please send me a message with your friend request so I know who you are. I'd be interested in setting up a regular agreed time with some folks, so let me know if you're interested. I'm Eastern time-zone, if that matters to you.
edit : feel free to pick whatever class you enjoy playing since I plan to keep the same character from baldur's gate to Throne a Baal going by siege of dragonspear and shadow of amn! (I picked longsword and shield fighting style)