"demon" in spell descriptions

It's a minor thing but I noticed that in BG they alway use the "demon" expression for any kind of fiend. Even the program has only one race "demonic" for demons and for devils as well. (altough they have the right alignment)
Oh wait. Never mind. I'm crazy. Sorry.
I don't see why this wouldn't make sense: "Demon" in that sentence being a generic term for a foul creature, but to imply it actually is a demon is erroneous. In any case you should think about standardising "demonknight" and "demon knight" (the latter is preferable, since it is an alternative if misleading term for death knight).
This should probably be changed too (string #4502): Either demons -> devils or Nine Hells themselves -> Abyss itself.
The latter is probably more suitable given Drizzt's history.
I'm okay with the Drizzt line change. Let's leave the other one alone. The line will sometimes seem arbitrary, but I want to limit the fiddling we do with the original creative decisions when it's not a clear case of correction or substantial improvement.
As for "creative decisions" - I think that was already done at some point since the creature file is DEATHK.CRE - not DEMONK.CRE (and its stats are clearly those of a death knight).
The Drizzt line is voiced, so we're stuck with it, unfortunately.