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Access to Temple of the Forggotten Gods

Not sure if I am bugged or just doing something wrong. I have completed the Vale of Shadows, However, after I tell Arundal about the priestess, I get no dialogue about the temple and I am not sure how to access it on the world map.


  • Armanz92Armanz92 Member Posts: 53
    Have you completed everything?
    Fought yourself to Kresselack and then killed Lysan for him and went back to him and talked to him?

    If you did that then Arundel should have the dialogue for you :/
    Have you tried going to the World map? Does it not appear?
  • CrawlerCrawler Member Posts: 12
    He should definitely have told you about it if you have completed the vale of shadows part, but one thing you want to remember is that you sometimes can think you have done everything your supposed to do but then it turns out you haven't, actually, remember you have to do that stuff about the priestess that Kresselack wants dead.
  • CrawlerCrawler Member Posts: 12
    P.S. You should probably know that that is secondary info though, I just got the game installed yesterday, I was just repeating what one of my friends said, so essentially, I kind of have no idea what im talking about. Just thought I would let you know that...
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