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Str damage bonus for thrown weapons?

Does the Strength damage bonus apply for any of the thrown weapons (axes, daggers, darts, Melf's Minute Meteors etc.)? I don't think they do for Darts (but could be wrong), but am unsure about the others.

It's a pity axes are so damn heavy, though, and the best throwing one (Azuredge in BG2) can't be used by evil characters...


  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Okay, have done a bit more research this guide ( ) suggests that *only* thrown axes* add (or subtract, presumably, if low strength) Str bonus damage. They also have a respectable range (75) and damage (1d6+1), though I think only one attack per round? If there were more returnable throwing axes in BG1 (I think there's a single +2 one quite late one), I'd be more tempted to use them, but the non-returning ones that you're limited to in the first part of the game are just too heavy.

    * I have a theory that Dwarven Thrower throwing hammer also gets the character's strength bonus, can anyone confirm? Also, am assuming, though, that only Dwarves can use this? Is it alignment-restricted too, or just by race?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Also, could a non-Dwarven cleric/thief or fighter/thief with UAI wield the Dwarven Thrower?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    If there were more returnable throwing axes in BG1 (I think there's a single +2 one quite late one), I'd be more tempted to use them

    I believe Bala's Axe, found in Durlag's Tower, is also throwable. It casts Dispel Magic on hit. Though that doesn't help I know, that's pretty late in the game as well.
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