Weimer's Item Upgrade mod

in BGII:EE Mods
It works wihout problems AFAIK and is one of my favorite mods for BG2. I just wanted to mention @CamDawg @jcompton as I read on a forum they have a v41 which is otherwise not available for download anywhere.
Could I ask either of you two guys for the changelog or the whole mod? Any compatibility/balance changes perhaps for BG2EE (as v40 was aimed fo BG2)?
Thank you for your time.
Could I ask either of you two guys for the changelog or the whole mod? Any compatibility/balance changes perhaps for BG2EE (as v40 was aimed fo BG2)?
Thank you for your time.
Thanks to @CamDawg it's now EE compatible.
Cespenar offers to create items although needed unique parts can't be found in ToB.
- Holy Buckler
- Better Azuredge
The "list" should be as short as possible.