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How far Cleric/ranger is RP??

SouplesseSouplesse Member Posts: 131
Hello folks!
Not a thread about C/R multi or dual! Not a thread about cheese and druid spells but ok it's a very powerful class but is it really RP?! What is a C/R? A wood man? Touch by the grace?!
I can't play C/R because I don't understand him.
What do you think? How do you play it (RP thinking). Do you have "portrait" fitting with an half-elf C/R.
Sorry for this poor English.


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I always viewed the C/R as priest that decided they could do far more for their god on the road than shut in a temple. So they train as a ranger as well to be able to more safely travel the world.
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    Druids - nature priest
    Rangers - woodland fighters
    clerics- city priests
    Ranger/cleric - woodland fighters who are deeply religious, like combat druids.
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  • SouplesseSouplesse Member Posts: 131
    That's clear! Thank you! I better understand, it isn't a multi get out of nowhere!
    I need to find a cool portrait now
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Or they might just as well be rangers who occasionally sought training at the hands of one of the nature deity's temples. The reason for it doesn't have to be something zealious like being a chosen of Nobanion or somesuch. Maybe they just wanted to learn professional first aid skills to become even more self-sufficient in the wilds.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    I always saw it as a priest for a god of nature, the harvest, fertility, or what have you, who oversaw a largely rural area of scattered settlements, lumber camps, mines, and so on.
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