About final boss's immunities...(Solved, after a fashion)

This might looks a bit weird but, I'm soloing with a enchanter, he's level 11 before the final fight, and skip the babblings, thing is, I tired hard, and successfully feeble minded the boss, yet it still act like a free man, hold monster also seems useless as well(strange, I heard it can be webbed, but not held?), so I'm stuck in here, help plz?
Post edited by Emeus on
After the fight begin, first cast Improved Invisibility on Caeler, and order Caeler to use her Shining Bolt or simply attack the boss, after the boss casted dispel magic, order Caeler to buff herself and let her focus on the boss, cast Teleport Zone to scatter enemies, cast Slow and summon monsters to draw their fire, eventually Caeler will finish the boss!