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Play Yourself in BG Challenge



  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    This is a great idea, thanks Quartz. I'm definitely gonna do it after I complete my first run through the game. I may have to cast Raise Dead spell on this thread by then, but it's something that sounds like great fun.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Lemernis said:

    This is a great idea, thanks Quartz. I'm definitely gonna do it after I complete my first run through the game. I may have to cast Raise Dead spell on this thread by then, but it's something that sounds like great fun.

    Hahaha no worries Mortianna already raised it once, I'm glad this thread has a high enough Constitution score to deal with being raised all the time. :)
  • lelag200lelag200 Member Posts: 125
    According to multiple quizzes, this is me in D&D...

    Lawful good cleric of Lathander
    STR: 13
    DEX: 15
    CON: 18
    INT: 14
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 13

    With only Imoen as a partner I managed to kill the mage at the friendly arm. When I got to Beregost with Khalid, Jaheira, Imoen, and Neera I tried to take on the spiders near the inn to the south. Big mistake. I don't think my party killed one before half of us were dead. The things I still learn after playing this game for 10 years.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    I took this one up as well, somewhat averaging my scores from the easydamus and angelfire sources:

    NG Sorcerer
    Str: 11
    Dex: 16
    Con: 10
    INT: 17
    WIS: 15
    Cha: 14

    Test Ability Scores:
    easydamus // angelfire
    Strength- 13 // 11
    Dexterity- 16 // 15
    Constitution- 13 // 10
    Intelligence- 19 // 16
    Wisdom- 15 // 15
    Charisma- 14 // 14

    Went with find familiar and sleep for my first two spells. Find familiar was a hard one to swallow since it is basically a wasted slot after the first casting but I didn't want to get killed immediately and the 12 bonus HPs were too important to pass on.

    I've made it through Beregost with Imoen and now Neera and just returned to collect on the spiders (sleep = dead spiders).

    I am thinking I need to pick up a healer now!
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    I wanted to play but I have all 3s so. I'll pretend to be someone else instead!
  • R0GUER0GUE Member Posts: 27
    I think I'm going to do this also. Here are my stats:

    STR: 10
    DEX: 14
    CON: 11
    INT: 14
    WIS: 12
    CHA: 13 (but a minimum of 15 is required for a bard)

    I'm going to play a bard because I'm a musician and it's really the only useful skill I'd have in a medieval world. My charisma is too low, but maybe that's part of my charm, I'm too humble and don't realize my own charisma is actually a couple of points higher? Eh I'll just go with it.

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Haha don't worry about it @R0GUE just do it, I consider my charisma more like a 14 but I bumped it to 15 to be a Bard. =P
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