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If you thought playing a fighter / mage in BG was easy ...

You havnt played one in DAO:

On only my second playthrough of this game, and after however many years its been since it was released, nightmare difficulty is easier than BG on normal difficulty.

In this area of the game though, the enemies are scaled down to be manageable with a single character, but everything else as well is still too easy.


  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited November 2012
    That almost makes me miss DAO .. Almost.

    DAO was one of those games where the DLC items (like the armor your guy is wearing) really broke the game badly, almost from the start.

    Still, yeah, that combo fighter/mage class (I can't remember what it was called) was pretty powerful. Your next video should be soloing the Deep Roads though. ;)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Arcane warrior is the prestige class that lets you wear armor and use weapons with your intelligence score, but hit chance with non staff weapons is terrible on a pure intelligence build, but the armor is nice.

    It adds a lot of fatigue though so normally I just wear the boots, gloves and helmet, then I put on the chest piece too when entering the solo part of the fade.

    I also had all the prestige classes unlocked via mods, otherwise they need like 10 playthroughs to successfully unlock them (90+ reputation with Morrigan and Wynne in my first playthrough, and neither would teach me how to be a shapeshifter / spirit healer, and same with alistair who wouldnt teach me templar, so I cheated and unlocked the classes with a mod).
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