Game "breaking" fixes?
Ok, so I had a couple of examples of worries but now I can just remember two things. I am thinking here about problems/bugs/exploits that I am concerned will be "fixed" without me knowing so, thus making me create a character that I will be disappointed in, because I choose the wrong spells, put points into wrong proficiencies and such, because a specific build doesn't work the way it did before. And so I'm hoping that a list with complete changes will be released where I can search for keywords later on in order to not feel cheated. So my two examples right now: will charisma be potent for sorcerers, as it says in the description in baldurs gate (but was never true)? Also, this may seem silly and trivial, but the spell description of haste says that it ages the caster a year. There are a lot of confusion generally for me and the spells in baldurs gate as they are buggy and non-descriptive, but this is another thing that would ruin the game if I suddenly die from old age...
As for haste, the "aging" effect presents itself in the form of fatigue. There are no long term effects from casting Haste over and over again.
In the same way, we should also know by advance what will be the proficiency of the weapons that were treated as long swords (ex: it is obvious that an item which is described as scimitar will be a scimitar in BGEE, but, for some items, it isn't that obvious).
I just realized another thing with haste -- it says that it doubles one attacks, but when cast on my party members, it didn't give anyone anything extra (except for speed). I've read the following: "Haste only gives you half a bonus attack if you already have an extra half attack per round."
But even if so, it just doesn't add up with my own experimenting just now in the original, where it doesn't do anything. This is what it says in the manual: "When this spell is cast, each affected creature functions at double its normal movement and attack rates. A hasted creature gains a -2 initiative bonus. Thus, a creature moving at 6 and attacking once per round would move at 12 and attack twice per round."
If it did what it says it does, it would be really really good. I don't think it did that in BG2 either, although maybe the description was changed?
If you are worried about making the wrong spell choices and spoiling your character, sorcerer may not be the class for you. That is the only class where that is a big worry. Other than that, the primary thing to manage is weapon proficiencies.
Make sure you aren't reading the description for Improved Haste, which does double the attacks of a single target. Even if you are reading the right description, the manual is often wrong.
Regular Haste does indeed only give 1/2 an attack extra if you already have a half e.g. 3/2 or 5/2.
Ah, that brings me back. The party mage says "I cast haste" and everyone else yells "NOOOO!"