Haaalp! My rogue has no detect illusions!
So I just didn't think to give her any when I made her and I'm to the point in capter 1 where I apparently need to find a hidden door in a crypt. I didn't know it was there and was retreading the same crypts for hours not finding anything to further my quest and I had to look up a walkthrough. So yeah. She has 0 detect illusion. Am I boned? She is my only rogue and I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I can cheat my way through it as I'm on my android tablet and I don't know if cheats are enabled on it. And even if they are all three of my infinity engine games are having this weird bug where they wont accept spaces. When I press the space bar nothing happens. -_- Dunno what to do. Haaaalllp.
In fact I don't think it even helps with that - I think it's just for dispelling illusions from enemy mages during combat (something which your own mages and clerics can also take care of).
I've completed the game just fine without giving my thief any Detect Illusion points.
To detect hidden doors and containers, be sure to keep the "Detect Traps" button of your Thief activated while you're not in combat, and walk around the crypt slowly (i.e. stop for a few seconds every few feet).
According to my experience there are some hidden doors that are harder to detect, or you have to be in a certain position to detect it.