Roleplaying Characters

What's the most fun you've had playing your character while metagaming as little as possible?
Also what is the most dangerous situation you have put yourself in knowing that you are unprepared, underleveled and/or overwhelmed but running in weapons blazing anyway because that's what your character would do?
I'm doing a true no-metagaming run (minus traps, because from a roleplaying perspective I assume I'm always looking for traps) for the first time, and so far Windspear Hills at Level 8/9 has been the hardest for me, but I have just started and I know things will get more difficult.
It's going to be so fun
Also what is the most dangerous situation you have put yourself in knowing that you are unprepared, underleveled and/or overwhelmed but running in weapons blazing anyway because that's what your character would do?
I'm doing a true no-metagaming run (minus traps, because from a roleplaying perspective I assume I'm always looking for traps) for the first time, and so far Windspear Hills at Level 8/9 has been the hardest for me, but I have just started and I know things will get more difficult.
It's going to be so fun

At level 1 or 2, when you change of map, you can be surrounded by 10 "bandits" with a bow... every time I think "OH-oh, let's do this" but if the bandits aim charname, it's the end instantly.. no time for drinking a potion of invisibility
I just wrapped up Windspear Hills while handicapped with ridiculous amounts of level drain and a dead Valygar because my character is very noble and believes time is of the essence to save Garren's daughter.
I'm now in Chapter 3 dealing with The Shadow Thieves Quests and helping Minsc find Boo.
My party
1. Me (Archer named Marek)
2. Jaheria
3. Minsc
4. Jan
5. Xan
6. Valygar.
Obviously no reload, as mentioned, no automatic anything, hp or spell learnin, chunking enabled of course.
Just seems to add to the enjoyment, esp on good HP rolls, and hurts more when a good character, runnin for a while, gets killed.
I often will just walk unprepared, (or just normal spell precautions in general) right up into the faces of a known waiting group, then gear up n fight or run and get back to 'em later. Scouting can serve as a buffer against knowledge, somewhat, but there seems to be times one would not scout.
In BG, rying to take on the ducal palace fight, unprepared and unbuffed, just walkin straight in, is still probably one the most nerve wrackin things I've done, cause you know what it means to lose that one. Gets the blood flowing though, esp. with only one NPC helper, hehheh.
In BG2, probably taking on Kangaxx or the slave lords, right outa the gate.
Step 1: Trigger an encounter with Muggers
Step 2: Trigger Vampire at same time
Step 3: Whilst strategically retreating, trigger encounter with Neera
Step 4: Laugh as Muggers and Vampire wait patiently for me to finish watching Neera
Step 5: Die repeatedly
Not that hardcore, unlike some of you ''crazy'' folks though^^
RIP Valygar
I lost Xan whilst going into the Unseeing Eye.
Keldorn joined us first as a temporarily replacement for Jan during the Unseeing Eye Quest then as a permenant member after Xan died.
Now Keldorn has been killed by Firkragg and I don't even have Carsomyr as a consolation prize because I ended up freezing Firkragg to death.
Roleplaying a character instead of doing what I know I should do is fun, but merciless.
My current party
1. Marek-Archer
2. Minsc
3. Jaheria
4. Jan
5. Imoen
Dead Party Members
1. Valygar-Killed by either Bodhi or Minotaurs in Chapter 4, I can't remember which
2. Xan-Killed by Greater Mummy during Unseeing Eye Quest in Chapter 6.
3. Keldorn-Sacrificed himself Valiantly to defeat Firkragg in Chapter 6.
Otherwise Void Party Members
1. Yoshimo- I didn't recruit him, but it's too late now.
2. Anomen-He rebuked me when I kicked him out in favor of Jan instead of going to see his father.
The time when I played through with my daughter was like this- yes we have to get Imoen right now!- plus she'd spread the wealth by giving decent weapons to npcs as payment before booting them
Current Party
1. My archer
2. Minsc
3. Imoen
4. Jan
5. Mazzy
6. Viconia
1. Valygar
2. Xan
3. Keldorn
4. Jaheria (Killed by Irenicus's Cult Followers-Valiantly sacrificing herself so we could summon the Avatar of Rillifane)
Undecided between Sendai's Enclave or Floor 2 of Watcher's Keep
Current Party:
1. My Archer
2. Sarevok
3. Imoen
4. Jan
5. Mazzy
6. Viconia
1. Valygar
2. Xan
3. Keldorn
4. Jaheria
5. Minsc (Killed by Gromnir, but not before leaving his bootprint firmly on his evil buttock)
6. Viconia has been killed by the Woodcutter
My Current Party:
1. My Archer
2. Sarevok
3. Jan
4. Mazzy
5. Aerie
6. Rasaad
I didn't play BG1 with this character, but Imoen is now the only remaining member of Marek's Original Party left alive.
Just to Clarify: Imoen isn't dead, I just left her in the Pocket Plane.
I lost him already to Ogremoch. TOB with this type of playthrough is merciless
Current Party:
1. My Archer
2. Sarevok
3. Jan
4. Mazzy
5. Aerie
6. Anomen
Please Note: Imoen is not dead, she is just no longer in the party (unless Jan or Aerie kicks it)
Current Party
1. My Archer
2. Jan
3. Mazzy
4. Aerie
5. Anomen
6. Korgan
Reserves: Imoen, Angelo
Dead: Valygar, Xan, Keldorn, Jaheria, Minsc, Viconia, Rasaad, Sarevok
Yes I realize that Korgan and Aerie don't get along, but my character doesn't know that. So Korgan will be my heavy hitter for now, as Minsc and Sarevok have sadly passed away
Current Party
1. My Archer
2. Jan
3. Mazzy
4. Anomen
5. Korgan
Reserves: Imoen, Angelo
Dead: Valygar, Xan, Keldorn, Jaheria, Minsc, Viconia, Rasaad, Sarevok, Aerie.
I don't think my character would subject Imoen to such horrors, so I will have to bring Nalia in.
I'm afraid I don't understand your meaning.
I'm simply roleplaying my character, and once someone has been perma-killed there is nothing you can do, so my character moves on and hopes that his actions will make sure they did not die in vain.
It's still a playthrough, just with more serious repercussions.
Edit: Nalia is now with my party
Ah that makes more sense.
Fate is a cruel taskmaster, but my Archer moves on.
I guess the gods have gifted my slain party members (yes, more death) a second chance.
I dread facing Draconis though, he's always been my most difficult foe.