Please For You Next Project!

Lets Get Back to The Forgotten Realms!!! I know there were a lot of Planescape Fans I'm really not one, All the fans of that universe Got what they wished for. But now Us Fans of the Forgotten Realms want to Get back to the Realms... Even if its a IWD2 EE ( I would play it to death....) Or How about a new Game in a New Area of the Forgotten Realms???? And I know people say well its difficult, Beamdog would have to create a new code for 5e ect ect..... Why??? I love The Infinity Engine!! It would be awesome If a new game was made using the same engine, I Really enjoy playing IWDEE, BG2EE ect..... Totally New D&D game cant be made with the current engine??? Well I'm hoping if not a new Adventure at least give us IWD2EE ..... I really enjoy playing the D&D Infinity Engine games they are sooo much fun....
Me, I wouldn't mind having a *loooong* break from Drizzt & Co. and instead have a brand new Planescape, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Eberron, or Spelljammer game. After Icewind Dale 2: EE has been released, of course. It being the only IE game left, as well as the only 3rd edition IE ever created.
Anyways. It's been officially confirmed that any new (non-remastered EE) titles will use the Unreal 4 engine. So an Infinity Engine with 5e rulesets would be out of the picture for Beamdog.