Wish probabilities?

Hi - does anyone here have the probabilities of the various effects that you can get with the wish spell at 18 Wis?
i.e. Let's say I cast project image and burn sixth ninth level spells casting wish, what're the chances I get the wish rest option?
i.e. Let's say I cast project image and burn sixth ninth level spells casting wish, what're the chances I get the wish rest option?
Surprising given how powerful the effect is that someone hasn't cracked the code open and had a proper look at how it works.
so depending on wisdom, is what table the wish spell uses, so to make things easy, lets go with 18+ wisdom
now on this table, there are 25 options of what you can get, the "make it as if the whole party has rested and rememorize all spells" is -wish power 21- on line 10 of column 4
so from what I can gather, you have a 4% chance of that option coming up on one of your options
although I can't figure out as to why there are ( 5 options I believe? haven't cast wish in a long while) as apposed to 4 or 6 options to choose from
so with rough estimates, if you have 15+ wisdom it looks like there is a 4% chance that it will be one of your options, so if you are given 5 options, that gives you 5 opportunities of a 4% chance of one of them being "make it as if the whole party has rested and rememorize all spells"
so whatever whacky math you want to use, that looks like how it kind of works
If you cast wish 3 times 0.96 to the power of 15 is 0.54, so you've got slightly less than a half chance of getting a wish rest with 3 casts.
I'm trying to suss out whether it's worth getting it on a sorcerer that's casting with the Robe of Vecna – Amulet of Power – Improved Alacrity – Timestop combo. It doesn't seem to me that Wish isn't worthy of a level 9 spell slot on a sorcerer given how random it is when you can go for:
– Timestop
– Imprisonment
– Shapechange
– Spellstrike
and cast from Projected Images.
The only reason I'm asking about Wish is that I've heard that the Ascension Final Battle is ridiculously long so I'm wondering if I'll get caught with my trousers down if I don't have Wish. 10 Project images should be enough though right !?
With 10 instances of PI available, you'd be very unlucky indeed not to get a Wish-rest (although obviously there's no absolute guarantee).