BG1: NPCs, Kits or no?

Would you like to see the NPCs in BG1:EE given kits, where appropriate? Or just leave them as default classes as the original BG1 engine demanded?
If you would like them with kits, what kit would go to which character?
For reference, the single classed characters (not including the specialist mages) are:
I'm wondering how many people wouldn't kit Kivan as an archer...
If you would like them with kits, what kit would go to which character?
For reference, the single classed characters (not including the specialist mages) are:
I'm wondering how many people wouldn't kit Kivan as an archer...
Funny , Kivan's deceptive nature has always made me think of him as a Stalker.
I'd like to give eldoth a manipulative bard kit, but the ones available are either combative (skald, blade) or flashy (jester)
Imoen is a swashie, a more evasive one, but still a swashie!
Alora - Pure Thief
Branwen - Priest of Tempus (they should give her some special power)
Dynaheir - Sorcerer
Eldoth - Blade
Faldorn - Avenger
Garrick - Jester
Imoen - Swashbuckler
Kagain - Pure Fighter or maybe Berserker (to make it Korgan-like)
Khalid - Pure Fighter or maybe some Paladin kit.
Kivan - Archer
Minsc - Barbarian
Safana - Assassin
Shar-Teel - Berserker or maybe Kensai
Skie - Bounty Hunter
Viconia - Priest of Shar (same as Branwen)
Short answer: no. I'd rather do it personally because I feel like some bad choices would be made. We are all bound to disagree on this, so some people would be buttmad, myself likely included. However, I probably *will* mod a few for my personal use:
Ajantis - Tough. NOT Cavalier, but the other two kits and default Paladin all make sense for him. I'd vote Undead Slayer.
Branwen - Priest of Tempus if it were invented, otherwise stay as a Cleric of course. I feel like her Innate Ability is already the "Priest of Tempus" ability, so yeah.
Eldoth - Skald. As a Bard with a high Strength and Con, it's fitting that he combat buffs.
Faldorn - Avenger. Somehow I doubt people would argue with this one.
Garrick - Jester, because he is an incompetent baffoon so it fits his personality that he plays bad music that hurts people. (I like Garrick don't get me wrong, but he IS an incompetent baffoon)
Imoen - Stays a Thief. I agree with the point that she is not a backstabber, but she is the Thief you are handed to develop as you please from Level 1, so she shouldn't be specialized in any way.
Kagain - Stays a Fighter. No Fighter kit suits him.
Khalid - Stays a Fighter. No Fighter kit suits him.
Kivan - Stalker. He's a dark and brooding personality (like Valygar), and he's too competent in melee (18/12 STR) to be an Archer, it just wouldn't make sense that he developed that Strength only to not use it.
Minsc - Change class entirely to Barbarian. Ranger he is not.
Safana - Swashbuckler for SURE. From her biography it seems fitting, and she needs the buff. She could arguably be a Bounty Hunter too.
Shar-Teel - Berserker seems very fitting for her.
Skie - From a plot standpoint it makes no sense, but Bounty Hunter would be very neat for her.
Viconia - Priest of Shar if it were invented, otherwise stay as a Cleric of course.
Branwen and Viconia, for instance, should have kits for their respective deities (Divine Remix mod gives them Battleguard of Tempus and Nightcloak of Shar, respectively).
Eldoth is in dire need of a Charlatan kit, if someone would take the time to mod one in (I don't think anyone has yet).
Shar-Teel kinda fits a Berserker, but I like her as a pure Fighter.
Kagain. Similarly, should be a pure Fighter unless there's a Crotchety Old Dwarven Mercenary kit lying around.
Kivan is a Stalker, or possibly an Archer.
Faldorn is definitely am Avenger, no arguing with that.
Safana should be a Swashbuckler or a Bounty Hunter, like @Quartz suggested, I think.
There's a mod that gives Imoen and Nalia in BG2 Adventurer kits, which I thought kinda fit them personality-wise, but otherwise Imoen should remain a pure thief simply for balance reasons.
This said, Minsc is a Rashemi Berserker, and protecting their witches is their role.
Ajantis: Cavalier. I just think of all the kits, that seems the most appropriate. Otherwise, don't change.
Alora: Keep her as a pure thief, or I think I've seen a burglar kit somewhere on the forums...
Branwen: I'd love to see her as a new kit, 'priest of tempus', sounds great!
Eldoth: I actually see him as a jester, beguiling and confusing his opponents.
Faldorn: Avenger. Without a doubt.
Garrick: Skald, he seems the type to me.
Imoen: Keep as a pure thief.
Kagain: Stay as a fighter.
Khalid: Stay as a fighter.
Kivan: I originally thought he was an archer, because of his portrait, but I think I've been won over to the idea of him as a stalker.
Minsc: Barbarian. Ranger does not suit him!
Safana: Yep, swashbuckler for me.
Shar-Teel: I agree with Quartz, beserker is cool for her.
Skie: A pure thief I guess, though it would be interesting to give her something unique as a rogue, just because you get her so damn late!
Viconia: Priest of Shar sounds awesome.
And what does the adventurer kit get? Coz that would be useful for Imoen for sure.
*Drum roll*
Also he has a 16 Wisdom. Wise enough to know he's stupid, I guess.
Imoen - Swashbuckler
Montaron - Assassin
Kivan - Archer!
Skie -Bounty Hunter?
I'd rather prefer Minsc being a barb like someone says.
Shar-Teel - I'd be inclined to suggest Beserker but she has a reasonable amount of intelligence ... Beserkers just seem better suited to those less apt in the thinking department. There is a Duelist kit in the Sword & Fist mod that would work well for her since the first thing she does is duel you, they're also very dexterious and can only wear light armour, fits in with her Amazonian image.
Khalid - I can see Khalid as a Duskblade again from Sword & Fist, it's essentially a Fighter with some Mage spells thrown in that enhance his fighting capabilities, I think they can only be elves and half-elves too.
Jaheira - I have in the past modded Jaheira into both a Totemic Druid and a Beastmaster, the latter seems to make a little more sense.
Alora - Burglar from Song & Silence is a perfect fit also allows them to put ** into slings which works well with her halfling bonuses to slings.
Xan - Dirgesinger from Song & Silence is a kit that spreads the woes and pessimism of the Bard by cursing them and other negative effects. Perfect!
Skie - I'd be inclined to suggest Adventurer (just as I normally give to both Imoen and Nalia) but her bio suggests she studied ballet a lot which leads me to think she may make a decent Acrobat, especially if she sneaks around Baldur's Gate at night (via rooftops I like to imagine!).
(I was reading through Garrick's bio to determine if he would suit a kit - he isn't a Jester - and his bio says he's a bit naive ... he has 13 intelligence and 14 wisdom!)
I always kit Kivan as an archer.
I also always make Khalid a berserker, because it is utterly unfitting and amuses the shit out of me.
Safana becomes a swashie.
LOL khalid as a berserker would be well funny. He'd be chopping xvarts up shouting 'Better part of valour!!!!'
I've played Tutu and BGT games, so like most of us I'm familiar with using the BG2 engine for BG1. And I do look forward to the BG2 spells and dual-wielding. But beyond that I don't expect to change or add anything from the original BG1 game. I just want to see how the game plays now in it's most basic state.
(I'm also playing with all three new NPCs as well, so I'm very much looking forward to the new content.)