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Party dilemma

I'd actually like to model by party after Dragonlance, but think I run out of room and would like a more balanced male/female party. I'd like as much personality interaction as possible and like playing a pure mage as my player character. Here's what I was thinking initially:

1) PC - mage
2) Imoen
3) Ajantis (reminds me of Sturm Brightblade who I really like)
4) Kivan
5) Yeslick (reminds me of Flint Fireforge)
6) Edwin (reminds me of Raistlin Majere)

But this leaves me with a lot of dudes, two mages, and not much healing. I've played through BG1 once a long time ago and never really liked Khalid & Jaheira much and killed Minsc upon meeting him without knowing how popular his personality is, although I don't think he really fits my play style as he's a little too comical for me.

So I have some questions for everyone:

How much personality does Edwin have? I like that he reminds me of Raistlin.

How much interaction do you think this party would have with each other?

Is two mages too many?

Should I figure out a way to fit Branwen or Viconia into the party?

Any other suggestions?



  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Alora- Tasslehoff Burrfoot
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited November 2012
    Two mages isn't too much (in fact, if you dual imoen there'll be three, together you'll be able to cause havok with wands, summons and area spells. BTW, all your npc's have amazing personalities!
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2012
    Depends on if you want a good, neutral or evil party. I hate Edwin and KOS him every playthrough. He's evil, annoying and condescending. Branwen's a good choice if you lack a healer. Your party choice seems very magic oriented(which is fine if that's what you want) and your tanks are a bit weak but should suffice to buy time for your magic users to unleash their arsenals. Just my opinion as i like minsc, jaheira and khalid. I did use ajantis on my 2nd playthrough yrs ago but dumped him as i play paladins and 2 was a bit much but while weak for a pally, he was nevertheless solid with the right equipment. I can't speak about Viconia as i've never used her.
  • GlorfindelGlorfindel Member Posts: 65
    Hmmm... not sure who to kick out of my party now.

    1) PC - mage
    2) Imoen
    3) Ajantis or Kivan
    4) Yeslick
    5) Branwen or Viconia
    6) Edwin
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