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You must gather your party before venturing forth.

ElofElof Member Posts: 42
So I am sure a thread like this must have come up a few times before, but I haven't seen one yet, so here's another one! Parties for your play through of BG:EE!

Ever since I pre-ordered I've been arguing with myself about what party to take through the game. The fact the game got delayed was really a blessing, it gave me more time! I'm intending to start a game that will go all the way to the end of Throne of Bhaal, so I'm considering my BG:EE party with advancement into BG2:EE in mind. I won't bore you with my decision process, but I will bore you with my decision!

Name: Not decided, (PC - Main Character)
Class: Swashbuckler -> Fighter
Role: Damage dealer, two-weapon fighter.
Notes: Will dual class at level 5 or 6, whichever gives the bonuses to hit, damage and AC. Will probably take the STR and CHA tomes. CON tome too, we'll see. Might give that to someone else if they need it.

Name: Not decided, (PC)
Class: Mage/Thief
Role: Secondary mage, primary thief once Imoen dual classes.
Notes: A second PC to give me my primary thief. Will start a MP game (hopefully it works like before!) and switch it to SP. Will likely get the DEX tome.

Name: Imoen, (NPC)
Class: Thief -> Mage
Role: Primary mage, primary thief initially.
Notes: Will dual her at level 7 to keep with canon. Will likely get the INT tome.

Name: Viconia, (NPC)
Class: Cleric
Role: Primary cleric.
Notes: Hot, steamy, dark skinned, kinky in the sack, screaming Ilythiiri into the night, stuff of dreams romance. :) Though probably have to wait for BG2:EE. :( And of course, WIS tomes galore!

Name: Unknown, (NPC)
Class: ????
Role: ????
Notes: This is a spare slot. I might fill it I might not... I'm thinking of giving one of the new NPCs a try (they're new after all). Need to know more about them really before I can decide!

Name: Sarevok, (NPC)
Class: Fighter
Role: Damage dealer, two-handed fighter.
Notes: Obviously slot 6 is reserved for ToB... my bhaalspawn does not know why he will not be filling his party yet. It's just a funny feeling he will have... like he's not really in control of his own life. ;)

I just need November to end already! :(

Anyway, obviously now if you have decided on your party you should share (so others can pinch it, or to tell you you're being a fool). :)
Post edited by Elof on


  • MikeMastersMikeMasters Member Posts: 141
    you aren't going to use any of the new NPCs?
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    In keeping with my plans in the charname fan art thread, Vayu Atar, the tetchy misanthrope that he is, will probably be going:

    Name: Vayu Atar
    Class: Mage/Thief (if kits are enabled for multiclass - and quite possibly if not - then he'll probably be either a swashbuckler, wild mage, or both, both for my enhanced enjoyment and the fact he's not really a "backstabber" type or much into the conformity that is structured magical theory).
    Notes: This is probably going to be a painful experience, since Vayu's not exactly the healthiest elf in the world, and is likely to be rocking an 8 or 9 in Con at best, pre-tomes, so probably a bit of a glass cannon.

    Name: Imoen
    Class: Thief -> Mage
    Notes: She's a bit redundant as a thief/mage, but Vayu wouldn't be without his little buddy (and portable conscience).

    Name: Kivan
    Class: Ranger
    Notes: Kivan is an elf of comparatively few words, which is ideal to ensure that Vayu doesn't lose his temper and boot him from the party.

    Name: Xan
    Class: Mage
    Notes: Xan's bleak worldview would actually sit fairly well with Vayu, and the fact that he's a fellow mage make him a good fit in this mage-heavy staff-fest.

    Name: Neera
    Class: Wild Mage
    Notes: Neera is a misfit, much like Vayu considers himself to be, and her insecurities mirror those that he keeps hidden close beneath the surface. Of course this manifests itself in the form of excessive self-pity or whininess then she may soon find herself dumped, possibly over a bridge.

    Name: Yeslick
    Class: Fighter/Cleric
    Notes: Easy going and good natured, Yeslick is unlikely to become annoyed by Vayu and unlikely to annoy him in return, a match made in heaven. Especially since he's very likely to find Vayu keeping him between him and anything remotely dangerous.

    Guest Stars:

    Name: Viconia
    Class: Cleric
    Notes: Whilst ambivalent towards helping drow (or anyone else), he would save her simply to snub those that wanted to kill her, and travel with her, at least until the novelty wears off, solely to thumb his nose at what is "acceptable".

    Name: Dorn
    Class: Blackguard
    Role: At least temporary meatshield.
    Notes: Vayu knows all about revenge, and has no real issues with black hat cackling diabolists overall. Depending how the two get along, it may well be a more permanent partnership, but without knowing more, hard to say.

    Name: Minsc
    Class: Rashemi Berserker
    Role: Charity case.
    Notes: Whilst human, Minsc's clear stupidity and helplessness would force Vayu to help (most likely after Imoen-induced peer pressure), if only out of pity. The moment that they rescued Dynaheir, however, Vayu would feel no obligation to maintain the alliance, and him and his colossally harpy companion would find themselves dropped off in Nashkel.

    Name: Jaheira and Khallid
    Class: Fighters
    Role: Obnoxious babysitters.
    Notes: Whilst likely to be allowed into the group at first, out of respect to Gorion, we all know that Jaheira will inevitably whine, baww and enrage Vayu so much that they will swiftly find themselves travelling alone again.

    It's unlikely that many others would find their way into the group; Vayu distrusts humans in general (especially human supremacists, like Red Wizards and Paladins, both of whom have a good chance of finding themselves on the business end of a magic missile), disqualifying him from most of the potential party members, including Monty (who's clearly travelling with a dangerous psychopath).

    He's unlikely to welcome Coran aboard, because let's face it, he's a pretty looking guy and if that creepy looking Fighter/Thief started hitting on him he'd set him on fire.

    Both the gnomes are pretty much insufferable, definitely not ideal for someone with Vayu's temperament.

    After that, there's what, Alora and Kagain? Adding one thief to the two already in party is unlikely at best, but the Dwarf may well find himself recruited at some point.

    So yeah, I doubt this is going to be very mechanically viable. In fact, it's probably going to be nightmarishly difficult early on with a bunch of low level mages and thieves running around, but hopefully later on things will get easier, at least as all potential threats are met with three or four fireballs to the face.


    Not that I've thought too much on this or anything.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    My plan:

    Cavalier PC (I don't know his name yet, want to pick a portrait first from the new ones on offer)
    Rasaad (trying out a monk class for my first time ever)
    Branwen (my favourite healer, bar Finch, but I'll play modless for the first time)
    Imoen (dualed to Mage, somewhere between level 5-7, don't know yet)
    Neera (and maybe romance her?)
    I'll probably fit Safana or Coran in the 6th slot once Imoen duals to mage, so as not to lack thieving skills.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Man, it just occurred to me that this thread title should have been gathering your party.
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    I'm gonna try all the new members at least once but then will probably replay my "good" party then my "evil" party. Then my all female but me party.
  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    I'm planning 3 runs to begin with, one each of Good, Neutral, and Evil.

    Ending Party:
    PC- Some sort of Cleric/Fighter
    Imoen, dualed to mage around 5-7
    Neera, Romancing
    Coran or Yeslick (haven't decided yet)
    Guest Stars:
    Jaheira & Khalid, dropping them off after the Nashkel Mines
    Misc & Dynaheir, Just long enough to rescue Dynaheir and drop them off in Nashkel.

    Ending Party:
    PC- Some form of Tank or Front liner
    Rasaad, Romancing
    Guest Stars:
    Jaheira & Khalid, dropping them off after the Nashkel Mines, though Khalid may have some misfortune earlier than that.

    Ending Party:
    PC- Swashbuckler/Kensai (Thanks to mods)
    Dorn, Romancing
    Shar-teel (Dualed to Thief)
    Guest Stars:
    Xzar & Montaron, Dropping them off after the Nashkel Mines
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    My plan: Go to my Bhaalspawn Book all full of character concepts and open a random page. That will be my charname. Go through the game roleplaying as that character and do whatever they would do. Pick up whoever seems right and whoever my character would travel with.
    ...Except Xan. Xan is going with me no matter who I end up playing, end of story.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    My plan is to be a Human fighter, with stats to later dual-class into a mage.
    My party will consist of:
    Imoen: Obviously the first on my party, and I will keep her as a thief for all of bgee.
    Khalid: My second permanent party member, I will let Jaheira die off.
    Minsc: My third party member, because what is a game without Minsc? Obviously since it's required I'll go rescue Dynaheir, and like Jaheira, she too will die off.
    Neera: Probably after I get Minsc (or possibly before) I'll go find Neera, and she will be my fourth permanent party member.
    Yeslick: My fifth and last party member, obviously I wont be able to get him until a little while into the game, but he's my favorite cleric, although his name isn't the best.

    Anyway, obviously I plan on using several other characters while I gather the permanent ones, like Xzar, Montaron, Jaheira, Ajantis, Garrick, Dynaheir, and Xan. This obviously is just my first my first playthrough, on future ones I definitely plan on trying out Rasaad and Dorn, but since it's been a while since I've last played I want to use my favorite characters from before fist.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    I like bards and sorcerers, so I'll play as those eventually. I think my first run-through might be with a cleric of Lathander. Never played a cleric before; might be fun. Travelling with me shall be Imoen, Rasaad, Minsc, Dynaheir, and possibly Alora. The sixth spot will likely be up for grabs as I swap characters in and out to complete new quests and gain ever more precious experience for my PC and the characters I'll take to the end--Imoen, Rasaad, and Minsc.

    I'll likely try a run as a chaotic neutral thief to play with Neera, Dorn, Edwin, Viconia, and Tiax. (If possible.)
  • KouTheMadKouTheMad Member Posts: 77
    depends on wot racez i can use.

    if Duegar are playable, make a chaotic Good (an' insane) Cleric of that race.
    A Duegar Exorsist named Father Silvershield (yes, based off da Exorcist from da movie of da same name)
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    If I can import from the existing Baldur's Gate games, I'll use one or more characters from my main party of three. They are a Fighter/Mage a Cleric/Mage and a Cleric.

    I'm considering possibly playing a Caravan-style game, which is when I create an intentionally weak PC in BG1 and then try to protect him the whole game with an advanced NPC from BG2. I also bring along intentionally weak additional NPCs so that they form the 'caravan' that needs protecting. I've tried this a few times in Tutu and it can be quite interesting, especially if I never level-up my PC and don't reload if he gets killed.

    If I don't do one of those options, I'll create a new Fighter/Mage and have Viconia in my party. I'll probably also cycle the new NPCs through my party one at a time to try a new variation for who gets the third slot. Except when I'm playing Caravan games, I rarely have more than three characters in my party at any one time.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    PC - Lemernis - CG (TN? can't decide yet) half-elven Fighter-Mage

    I'll likely use Xzar and Monty to get to FAI, then part company with them when we arrive there. Per Gorion's urgent direction I'll probably use Khalid and Jaheira through the Nashkel Mines. It sounds like Rasaad will be either in or nearby Nashkel. So if I meet up with him thereabouts I'll add him right away. After the mines quest I'll cut J. & K. loose and go get Viconia. And by then I'll have an idea where to look for Dorn and Neera. That will be my party for the duration.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Lemernis said:

    PC - Lemernis - CG (TN? can't decide yet) half-elven Fighter-Mage

    I'll likely use Xzar and Monty to get to FAI, then part company with them when we arrive there. Per Gorion's urgent direction I'll probably use Khalid and Jaheira through the Nashkel Mines. It sounds like Rasaad will be either in or nearby Nashkel. So if I meet up with him thereabouts I'll add him right away. After the mines quest I'll cut J. & K. loose and go get Viconia. And by then I'll have an idea where to look for Dorn and Neera. That will be my party for the duration.

    My plan is similar, but a little different:

    Start with:
    CHARNAME (CN, LE or NE female elf fighter/mage)
    Imoen (probably kept as a thief the whole game)
    Viconia (collected early)
    Xzar (though might send him on an early suicide quest, so he doesn't suck up XP)

    Then as I pick up Rasaad, Dorn and Neera dump Monty and Kagain. If Neera won't join because I'm too despicable, I might just pick up Edwin instead, though.

  • ElofElof Member Posts: 42
    Pantalion said:

    Man, it just occurred to me that this thread title should have been gathering your party.

    How did I not think of that?! Title changed. :)
  • SamuelVargSamuelVarg Member Posts: 598
    Human Swashbuckler (maybe -> mage in BGII:EE)
    Imoen -> Mage


    Minsc - dumping after Naschkel Mines
    Dynaheir - dumping with Minsc



  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    For a while I've been wanting to try a playthrough where I get through the game with a party of just three characters-Probably with a cleric CHARNAME, Imoen, and Xan. I think it would be great fun.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    For a while I've been wanting to try a playthrough where I get through the game with a party of just three characters-Probably with a cleric CHARNAME, Imoen, and Xan. I think it would be great fun.

    That's totally do-able (especially with one of the cleric kits), you get loads more XP, so would level up quickly, though when you hit the level cap the end part could be a bit tricksy

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    @LadyEibhilinRhett - did you know there's a mod for BG2 which adds Xan as a joinable NPC?:
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012
    Currently thinking:

    PC - Female/Evil/Thief
    [empty at the moment]

    Obviously a evil party, havent quite decided whatever im going plain theif or a kit and im not quite sure on the 6th party member :]
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Glokta said:

    Currently thinking:

    PC - Female/Evil/Thief
    [empty at the moment]

    Obviously a evil party, havent quite decided whatever im going plain theif or a kit and im not quite sure on the 6th party member :]

    Elldoth (with the Dex gloves)?
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199

    Glokta said:

    Currently thinking:

    PC - Female/Evil/Thief
    [empty at the moment]

    Obviously a evil party, havent quite decided whatever im going plain theif or a kit and im not quite sure on the 6th party member :]

    Elldoth (with the Dex gloves)?
    Problem with that is that Kagain really needs the Dex Gauntlets to tank properly. Dorn might too (we don't know yet).
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Yes. Yes, I have, and it is one of the few mods I will never play BG2 without. Now, sometimes, I don't completely agree with Kulyok's characterization of Xan, but for the most part, it's really good.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078

    Glokta said:

    Currently thinking:

    PC - Female/Evil/Thief
    [empty at the moment]

    Obviously a evil party, havent quite decided whatever im going plain theif or a kit and im not quite sure on the 6th party member :]

    Elldoth (with the Dex gloves)?
    Naw, I think Shar-Teel is defs the best choice here.
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012

    Glokta said:

    Currently thinking:

    PC - Female/Evil/Thief

    Obviously a evil party, havent quite decided whatever im going plain theif or a kit and im not quite sure on the 6th party member :]

    Elldoth (with the Dex gloves)?
    He is one of my options, unless i decide to run with a party of 5 (not likely, but a option), but he would have to convince Kagain to let go of the dex gloves, not sure Kagain approves :)

    Shar-Teel seems to be a good option tbh, might just run with that..

  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Elldoth (with the Dex gloves)?

    Problem with that is that Kagain really needs the Dex Gauntlets to tank properly. Dorn might too (we don't know yet).
    Good point, I forgot about that, will be interesting to see what stats Dorn gets
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Yes. Yes, I have, and it is one of the few mods I will never play BG2 without. Now, sometimes, I don't completely agree with Kulyok's characterization of Xan, but for the most part, it's really good.
    Interesting, I might give Xan a go after all, once I've got tired of playing evil parties...
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I must roll my character first. When is 28 November coming? Now? How about now?
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