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Anyone in, or looking for, an actual D&D game?

Ok, so we love BG, it rocks.
But it's a CRPG, not the real thing, baby.
Are you in any PnP games, if so, what system? How many people, and how is it going?
Are you looking for a game?

I'm looking for Basic, 1E/2E, Rifts/BTS, etc., in the Albany, NY area. There is a local club that meets monthly, but no RPGs but Pathfinder, which, like other grognards, makes me cranky. I tried running an event there - and had zero players. An outcast among geeks is a lowly place to be : ) They also regularly run wargames, which is pretty awesome to see still thriving.


  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    All the games I'm in or have played in have been online. But if someone wants to try to put something together around Mays Landing NJ we can talk details. I'm sure we can find a system we'd all like to play.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Probably will be DM'ing a game soon in Huntsville, TX, if anyone nearby wants to join in, I'm sure my group wouldn't mind. I'd have to ask them first, though. Will be 3.5 ed set in my own original campaign setting of Neluith.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    D&D via skype might be possible
  • Stargazer5781Stargazer5781 Member Posts: 183
    I've done some D&D over skype in the past. I recommend using maptool if you're gonna go that route.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    It's more than possible-I've been in a D&D game over Skype before. Not just any D&D game, either. We were actually doing a reenactment of Baldur's Gate.
    ...I DM'ed, and I also played Xan since we needed a sixth party member. The other party members were Jaheira, Khalid, Edwin, Imoen, and an elven Bhaalspawn named Alshara. We made it to like the gnoll fortress before we had to stop due to schedule difficulties with a couple of the players.
    Actually, I would really like to try that again, and actually finish it. If anyone is interested...yeah. That would be pretty cool.
  • JonelethIrenicusJonelethIrenicus Member Posts: 157
    Never played PnP, how do you play it
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    I played a D&D game over a mix of skype and Fantasy Grounds II (I think?), it was a dreadfully slow affair when it came to combat.

    Sadly I live in the middle of nowhere with the only other D&D interested party being my wife since our last local DM moved away, so we're always on the look out for a campaign, and even when we do find a game, it ends up being cancelled after all the prep work, character backgrounds, even learning new systems...
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    I'm in Pittsburgh PA, and currently playing in three games. A Pathfinder Society game that meets every other Monday night, and a D&D 2nd edition that meets about once every 2 or 3 months. We have a couple people on Skype and it is a bit silly during combat and they tend to miss some details.
    Last but not least I play in LadyRhian's game on these forums. It's a good time, everyone should check it out (BG characters in classic D&D modules).
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2012

    Never played PnP, how do you play it

    @JonelethIrenicus, look for a movie called "The Gamers." Failing that, "Dorkness Rising." The former doesn't actually use D&D rules for copyright reasons but, by the time they got the latter together, they were using real 3.5 for the movie. Those two films are the best publicly available examples of gameplay that I've ever seen.

    And @GygaxianProse, can't help you unless you come out to the bowels of western NY (way too far probably).
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