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Add Monk/Cleric & Monk/Sorcerer Multiclass

AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
edited November 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
Although it is not exactly per 2nd Ed this multiclass is quite logical from RP point of view and is a pleasure to play with.

P.S. What do you think about this multiclasses?
- Monk/Cleric
- Monk/Sorcerer
- Monk/Druid
Post edited by Anton on


  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Aren't Monks human only?
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Pantalion said:

    Aren't Monks human only?

    In 1st edition, yes. In 3rd edition, no. 2nd edition dropped the Monk class, although it (along with Assassin) was brought back in the 2nd edition Greyhawk accessory The Scarlet Brotherhood and was considered a priest sub-class, but was basically the same as the 1st edition version (human-only).

    So yes, technically, only humans should be able to be monks in BG, although I don't know why an exception couldn't be made for certain half-elven multi-class combinations in 2nd edition rules. I think the reasoning against multi-class monks is that being a monk requires strict discipline and intense training, making it difficult if not impossible to devote one's time and energy toward pursuing another class.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    If it weren't for the human-only limitation, I'd be perfectly happy for it to be a multiclass option (and there are in AD&D, if I recall from another thread, a sect of Monk/Sorcerer dual classers). The notion that learning to Wish that things were different in such a way that the universe actually listens to you somehow requires less dedication and training than "learning to punch harder than a greatsword" dropkicks my suspension of disbelief into orbit.

    As it is however, I believe this is an engine limitation; Monks can only be human, because the game only has human sprites available with monk animations, and that doesn't necessarily include a spell-casting animation.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    A monk/cleric is understandable, since, as a monk, you're in a monastery and it would make sense to have clerics there.

    But why is a monk/druid multiclass logical from an RP standpoint? Monks have to spent several years of their life at a monastery, learning and training for like 15 hours a day. A druid on the other hand is someone who has a good connection to nature, lives outside in a wood or something like that.

    So if you're a monk/druid multiclass, you're supposed to do those things simultaneously. It appears to be very difficult.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    cyberhawk said:

    A monk/cleric is understandable, since, as a monk, you're in a monastery and it would make sense to have clerics there.

    But why is a monk/druid multiclass logical from an RP standpoint? Monks have to spent several years of their life at a monastery, learning and training for like 15 hours a day. A druid on the other hand is someone who has a good connection to nature, lives outside in a wood or something like that.

    So if you're a monk/druid multiclass, you're supposed to do those things simultaneously. It appears to be very difficult.

    Actually meditating in the wilderness, training to ignore the bites of mosquitoes is one of the better known practises of Buddhist monks (I say this loosely, Buddhism isn't a dogmatic religion so there is a pretty wide variety of beliefs and practices, even amongst our monks), it's not hard to conceptualise a Faerunian monk who practices their kata in a quiet hermitage at one with nature.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012

    Are we talking about multi-classing or dual-classing? Monks can only be Human which cannot multi-class.

    I don't have a problem with people dual-classing to/from Monk (or Paladin for that matter). I don't see why someone cannot choose to leave or join an order. I am however, opposed to having Monk opened up to other races to allow multi-classing.

    Monks are spiritual and dedicated to their orders. Like Paladins, you cannot focus on being a Monk and something else at the same time, you're one or the other. Even 3rd Edition has restrictions on multi-class for Monk and Paladin. I completely disagree with blanket ARAC, but that's another discussion.
    Mortianna said:

    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.

    Even though that multi-class combination cannot exist in this game, I don't see the relationship you're making. Monks are spiritual, where Sorcerers have innate arcane magical abilities. Sorcerers are born with their powers, Monks dedicate their lives to training to gain power.

    I don't have a problem if someone wants to dual-class from Sorcerer to something else, but I don't think you should be able to dual-class to Sorcerer without restriction. A character cannot choose to all of a sudden become a class with innate power. If you want to add a d100 roll to level up, where you can roleplay that the character discovers their power and want to enhance it, then I'm OK with that.

    Post edited by bigdogchris on
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256

    Mortianna said:

    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.

    Even though that multi-class combination cannot exist in this game, I don't see the relationship you're making.
    Have you never watched Dragonball? Or any other anime, really...

    The monk/sorcerer in my D&D team has. A lot.

  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Kame-hame-magic missile! Disrupto-energy blades! Solar-fl...sunburst! Spirit bo...Comet! One finger be...of death!

    I think that is enough.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615

    Mortianna said:

    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.

    Even though that multi-class combination cannot exist in this game, I don't see the relationship you're making.
    Have you never watched Dragonball? Or any other anime, really...

    The monk/sorcerer in my D&D team has. A lot.

    But D&D isnt based on anime. So your point is invalid.

    Dragonball ( <3 ) Is great, but its a vulgar display of power that does not fit into a D&D world

    Now the closest you can do is make a ki-wielding monk using feats found in players handbook 2
    (The main feat i'm thinking of allows you to use a daily use of your stunning fist to create a force blast of ki energy doing xd6 of damage. Its snazzy)
  • KithrixxKithrixx Member Posts: 215
    It was done in Icewind Dale II, with the Monastic Orders. They even come with their very own justifications as to why they exist in the first place!

    This seems like a Post-Ship DLC thing, though.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited November 2012

    Mortianna said:

    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.

    Even though that multi-class combination cannot exist in this game, I don't see the relationship you're making.
    Have you never watched Dragonball? Or any other anime, really...

    The monk/sorcerer in my D&D team has. A lot.

    I do not and will not watch Dragonball. I suppose D&D and DBZ are equally geeky, they probably don't want D&D stuff changing them and I most certainly do not want their stuff changing D&D.

    In BG2, Monks and Sorcerers are added as an add-on 'house class' not really following any rules but the ones they made for them, extracting idea's from both 2nd and 3rd Edition variants. That said, you could make plenty of arguments that Monks and Sorcerers are not balanced as they stand now, let alone opening up a can of worms by allowing them to dual-class or be multi-classed.

    Just leave them be.

  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001

    Mortianna said:

    Monk/Sorcerer always made sense to me as well.

    Even though that multi-class combination cannot exist in this game, I don't see the relationship you're making.
    Have you never watched Dragonball? Or any other anime, really...

    The monk/sorcerer in my D&D team has. A lot.

    Just leave them be.

    I like the idea of spell casting monks, especially after seeing some in the Gameplay video.
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