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Too late for that suggestions?

Hi all, first sorry for my english i try to do all my Best!

2 thing i think would make the aventure a little more easy are :

1. A function can be activated pressing some button of the keyboard and "lights" all ítems in the visible área that can be carved, sameway neverwinter nights...

2. In the área map the name of the localitions can be visited..

2 simple things that can do the adventures more eficient ;)

pd: i read in some way the first request are implemented by some modelo, but i don't know what!


  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Though it may well be too late for suggestions to include in the initial release, what company wouldn't want the opportunity to implement them as DLC to better monetise their product?

    1: I believe this is already implemented in Throne of Bhaal by using the tab key, highlighting all, or most, interactable objects and locations. BG:EE uses the full BG2 engine, including ToB.

    2: Wouldn't most of these locations be "field north of X", "Meadow south of X"? There's a whole lot of wilderness in BG1.
  • champi123champi123 Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2012
    1. Yeah that is, but i have installed bgi trilogy from the d &. D collection and the mod to play bg1 with the engine of bg2 and doesn't work.....

    2. I mean when for exemple if i are on beregost, push m, and shows the current map with the visible áreas, biildings, but doesn't show the name of the importants things, like this :
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited November 2012
    BG2 already had these features, and as far as I know, BG:EE is running on BG2 engine, so there is big chance to have them.


    I don't like highlighting objects with TAB (or was it alt?). I mean: Yes, it's helpful but it takes away fun in finding hidden places and treasures...

    You can say "fine, then don't use it" but how can I not use one of the games features? o.O
    It would be best if it was not implemented (or it would work only on easiest game difficulty).
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Personally I'd prefer what Tab revealed to be based on your party's highest Wisdom stat ability check, with each thing carrying modifiers based on how obvious or not it was.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Kirkor There should be something that will make you happy, although it will require a bit of configuration on your part. They've been pretty good about not removing features of the game, though.
  • champi123champi123 Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2012
    @kirkor, but think Bg is a big world with hundred of áreas, and it's a little crazy if i have to put the mouse on all píxels of all maps! A lot of objects if you don't see the guide or played 3 4 times the game, you never discover that things.....
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited November 2012
    champi123 said:

    @kirkor, but think Bg is a big world with hundred of áreas, and it's a little crazy if i have to put the mouse on all píxels of all maps! A lot of objects if you don't see the guide or played 3 4 times the game, you never discover that things.....

    ...And that's what makes the game wonderful & replayable - you don't know everything, even after one or two playthroughs.

    There is no fun in spamming TAB button.
  • champi123champi123 Member Posts: 15
    Kirkor said:

    champi123 said:

    @kirkor, but think Bg is a big world with hundred of áreas, and it's a little crazy if i have to put the mouse on all píxels of all maps! A lot of objects if you don't see the guide or played 3 4 times the game, you never discover that things.....

    ...And that's what makes the game wonderful & replayable - you don't know everything, even after one or two playthroughs.

    There is no fun in spamming TAB button.

    then maybe my problem is i think i don't have enough time to play it 3 or 4 times!. ;-)

  • klatuklatu Member Posts: 108
    I would just like to say that people with bad eye-sight or related disabilities pretty much rely on the highlighting feature to be able to enjoy the game at all. Removing/not including it would make the game less accessible.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Personally I think including the tab button in ToB was a mistake that cheapens the experience, sort of like how when you enter places in Baldur's Gate 2 generally speaking you immediately know where every store and building relevant to the game is thanks to the handy pointers on your map (that you somehow have). Though I will say a wisdom based check would be a good means of approaching hidden object discovery.

    Having tab available may make the game more accessible, but it also is pretty cheesy as a feature.
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